Special topics in lecture week Flashcards
Advance care planning in end of life
1) Finalizing social and financial matters
2) Acute care resuscitation plan( can be used as a temp. advanced health care directive) and discussion of CPR
3) EPoA
4) Advanced health care directive(AHD)
PREPARED is for palliative care
Prepare for the discussion Relate to the person Elicit patient and caregiver preferences Provide information Acknowledge emotions and concerns Realistic hope Encourage questions Document and debrief
Tea colour urine or coca-cola urine
Supportive treatment- prognosis is really good
symptomatic management- like HTN
What rate control drug can be used in AF in a patient with heart failure
NOT beta blocker
Calcium channel blockers
After cardioversion during AF how long do you anticoagulant them for
4 weeks at least
Haemodynamically unstable patient with AF presents to ED. What do you do next
3 most common cause of aortic stenosis
1) age-related progressive calcification
2) Rheumatic aoritc stenosis( in ATSI)
3) congenital bicuspid aortic valve
3 classically symptoms of aortic stenosis
Angina need to ddx for chest pain- not just MI
4 most common features of Aortic stenosis murmur
Ejection systolic murmur
Loudest in the aortic region(base of the heart)
Radiating to the carotids
Loss of A2(2nd heart sound)
Management of aortic stenosis
2) surgical replacement of Aoritc valve
Urea: creatinine- Urea will be high
This look like an Upper GI bleed
Having 3-4 normal vomits first and then having a vomit is
Mallory Weiss tear
not oesophageal bleeding
Hep B tablets
Smudge cells in
HACEK organisms seen in
- minority of IE cases
- gram negative anaerobes common in normal human flora
- setting of poor dentition/ periodontal infection
Which medication can aide in kidney stone passage?
Tamsulosin: alpha-1 antagonist that relaxes the ureteral muscle, decreases intraureteral pressure
a classic finding in ankylosing spondylitis
low back pain that classically improves with activity
Stroke score
NIH Stroke Scale/Score (NIHSS)