Special Senses Flashcards
Finhoff transilluminator
Direct opthalmoscope
TonoVet - topical anaesthesia not needed
Converging lens
Gonio lens
Slit lamp biomicroscope
Schiotz tonometer - topical anaesthesia needed
Direct ophthalmoscopy - retina
Indirect ophthalmoscopy - retina
Rose Bengal - lightening bolt rather than splodges of fluorescein highlighting unhealthy + degenerative corneal epithelium
Retinal detachment - seagull curve out from optic disc
Aplasia - hypoplasia - coloboma
Aplasia - hypoplasia - coloboma (bits of iris completely missing); central pupil - can see slightly cloudy lens, older dog w/ nuclear sclerosis
Polycoria (dog) - more than one pupil (still visual)
Persistent pupillary membranes (PPM)
Persistent pupillary membranes - attached to anterior lens capsule, can lead to central lens cataract, affects vision
Iris hyperpigmentation - freckles/Nevi - benign melanosis
Hyperpigmentation - freckles/Nevi - benign melanosis
Hyperpigmentation - freckles/Nevi - benign melanosis
Intraocular neoplasia - melanoma
Intraocular melanoma (dog)
Intraocular melanoma (cat)
Intraocular melanoma (cat)
Intraocular neoplasia
Intraocular neoplasia - adenoma/adenocarcinoma from ciliary body
Intraocular neoplasia - melanoma
Iridociliary epithelial tumour (adenoma/adenocarcinoma)
Uveal cyst
Uveal cyst
Hyphaema - bleeding into anterior chamber
Uveitis - prominent blood vv on iris
Hypopyon - layer of pus inside anterior chamber, something occurring on cornea due to perforating wound
Lens-induced uveitis
Close-up of keratic precipitates, blobs of fibrin + other cellular materials sitting on back of cornea, usually sits ventrally
Aqueous flare = clinical signs of uveitis, cloudiness of aqueous humour, proteins + other material leaking into aqueous humour
Uveitis - fibrinous aqueous humour
Uveitis - hyphaema, layering = re-bleeding
Uveitis - hypopyon - sterile inflammation/infection/neoplasia
Uveitis - keratotic precipitates - accumulation of cells, fibrin + pigment from iris - deposit on corneal endothelium
Uveitis - miosis, rubeosis iridis - red blood vv
Uveitis - synechiae on lens +/- irisbombe
Nuclear sclerosis (lenticular sclerosis) - no notable effect on vision
Nuclear sclerosis
Nuclear sclerosis
Incipient cataract
Immature cataract - can see some tapetum reflex
Mature cataract
Hypermature cataract
Morganian cataract - cataract starting to reabsorb itself, starting to see tapetum reflex again, leakage of proteins -> uveitis
Immature cataract - can still see some reflection, changes in lens
Immature posterior subcapsular cataract
Mature cataract
Hereditary cataract - Y-shape, labrador retriever, golden retirever
Congenital cataract
Diabetic cataract
Lens-induced uveitis
Anterior lens luxation - dislocation of lens from its normal position, breakdown of zonules
Posterior lens luxation - lens goes to back
Primary-hereditary anterior lens luxation
Primary-hereditary posterior lens luxation
Secondary anterior lens luxation
Secondary posterior lens luxation
Primary lens luxation - hereditary
Primary lens luxation - hereditary
Posterior lens luxation - can see lens through iris
1). Corneal vascularisation (red)
2). Corneal oedema (blue/grey)
3). Stroma malacia-melting (yellow/white)
Corneal fibrosis - scarring (grey)
Corneal melanosis (black)
Stromal infiltration w/ WBCs (yellow/green)
Stromal mineral/lipid deposition (white)
Corneal vascularisation - superficial trees
Corneal vascularisation - deep hedges
Stromal ulceration
Anterior uveitis
Corneal oedema
Corneal ulceration
Corneal ulceration
Stomal malacia - melting
Corneal fibrosis - blue/grey feathery
Corneal melanosis - pigmentary keratitis