Reproduction Flashcards
Parabasal vaginal epithelial cell - anoestrus/dioestrus
Intermediate vaginal epithelial cell - anoestrus/proestrus/dioestrus
Superficial vaginal epithelial cell - oestrus (will later become anucleic)
Follicles on US
Ovarian (follicular) cyst
Granulosa cell tumour (sex cord stoma tumour)
Vaginal neoplasia - transmissible venereal tumour (TVT), not found in UK
Vaginal wall hyperplasia
Vaginal prolapse
Aplasia of uterine horns, congenital
Unilateral cryptorchidism US
Cryptorchidism - inguinal surgery, using a spay hook
Testicular enlargement - orchitis/epididymitis, dog scrotum bitten by cat = direct trauma
Torsion on scrotum
Spermatic cord torsion - sertoli cell tumour in abdo twisted around + caught on omentum
Balanoposthitis = inflammation of penis
Paraphimosis = inability to retract penis into sheath
Urethral prolapse
Penile papilloma
Transmissible venereal tumour (TVT)
Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)
Prostatic cysts
Prostatitis - un-uniformed circular mass-like structure, mixed echogenicity
Prostatic neoplasia
Perineal hernia (extreme case) - in male dog
Pyometra - uterine horns become filled w/ purulent discharge, look sausage-shaped
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia - slice through uterine horns, vesicles, fluid-filled - optimum for bacterial growth
Open pyometra - pus from uterus on vulva
Stump pyometra - ovarian tissue remaining in abdo ‘ovarian remnant syndrome’
Pyometra, anechoic loops
Pyometra - loops of fluid more hypoechoic, grainy mottled colour = thick discharge
Pyometra Sx
Ruptured pyometra, purulent discharge coming out of one of the horns
California milk test CMT for mastitis
Summer mastitis complex (non-lactating)
Calving injury - trauma to birth canal/neighbouring structures
Uterine prolapse, cow
- Uterine prolapse - L = doe goat; foetal membranes have been shed, R = sheep
Lochia = normal post-partum discharge, some mucus + blood
Uterine inflammatory disease - metritis discharge - watery, reddish brown, pungent smell, liquidy
Uterine inflammatory disease - endometritis - white pus mixed in with mucus, not watery
Endometritis scoring - 0 = clear/translucent mucus
Endometritis scoring - 1 = mucus containing flecks of white/off-white pus
Endometritis scoring - 2 = discharge containing ≤ 50% white/off-white mucopurulent material
Endometritis scoring - 3 = discharge containing ≥ 50% purulent material, usually white or yellow, but occasionally sanguineous
Longitudinal - anterior
Longitudinal - posterior
Transverse - ventral
Transverse - dorsal
Ventral position, anterior presentation
Dorsal position, anterior presentation
Anterior presentation, dorsal position, unilateral shoulder flexion
True breech, posterior presentation, dorsal position, bilateral hock flexion (both of back legs flexed at level of hips)
Obstructive dystocia, foetal oversize - calf stuck on dam side of pelvis, unable to come out of pelvic canal
Bull favouring back L, straight hock -> impaired locomotion
Bull - interdigital granuloma -> impaired locomotion
Bull w/ corkscrew feet -> impaired locomotion
Bull - asymmetrical testes due to epididymitis/orchitis or right more developed than the other
Bull - testes too small
Penile haematoma in bull - rupture of corpus cavernosum - a lot of blood forms
Papilloma on bull penis
Spiral deviation of bull penis
Bull semen assessment - appropriate appearance
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - knobbed acromosome (common form)
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - knobbed acromosome (beaded form)
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - pyriform head (severe)
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - pyriform head (moderate)
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - pyriform head (slight)
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - nuclear vacuoles
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - diadem defects
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - detached head
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - distal reflex
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - dag-like defect (broken midpiece), tail defect, common
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - dag-like defect (severely bent midpiece), common
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - proximal droplet, common
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - distal droplet
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - teratoid (severe)
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - teratoid (moderate)
Semen assessment, spermiogram (phase contrast microscopy) - normal spermatozoa
Vermiform appendage - in rams, needed for semen distribution in vagina, at end of prepuce
Cystic ovarian disease
Endometritis scoring = 0, clear/translucent mucus
Endometritis scoring = 1, mucus containing flecks of white/off-white pus
Endometritis scoring = 2, discharge containing ≤ 50% white or off-white mucopurulent material 50/50
Endometritis scoring = 3, discharge containing ≥ 50% purulent material, usually white or yellow, but occasionally sanguineous
Pyometra in cow, US scan - granular complex of pus, floating around, should be clear, clean fluid
Pyometra in cow, US scan - granular complex of pus, floating around, should be clear, clean fluid
Abortion in ewes due to Chlamydophila abortus - disease affects placenta -> placentitis, red dots = cotyledons (lamb receives)
Ewe placenta, 1-3mm foci in cotyledons due to Toxoplasma gondii protozoan parasite
Toxoplasmosis - small mummified foetus
Sarcoid on inguinal region of mammary gland of horse, dec foaling
Mare - dioestrus cervix, pale, hard
Mare - vaginitis/cervicitis
Mare - early oestrus cervix = flaccid, pale pink, moist
Normal uterine horn of mare:
- Myometrium top + bottom, hyperechoic nothing v remarkable
- Endometrium in between
- Dioestrus - clearly demarcated myometrium
Normal uterine body of mare:
- Myometrium top + bottom, hyperechoic nothing v remarkable
- Endometrium in between
- Dioestrus - clearly demarcated myometrium
Mare, uterine lumen fluid
Mare - uterine oedema, like cross-section of a beef tomato
Mare - grade 2 uterine oedema pattern, small amount of oedema
Mare - grade 3 uterine oedema pattern, moderate amount of oedema
Mare - grade 4 uterine oedema pattern, large amount of oedema
Mare, ovarian scan - transitional (multiple anovulatory follicles)
Mare, ovarian scan - oestrus period, pre-ovulatory follicle
Mare, ovarian scan - oestrus period, corpus luteum
Mare, ovarian scan - oestrus period, corpus haemorrhagica
Mare, ovarian scan - haemorrhagic follicle, smoke/snow globe appearance
Mare, ovarian scan - granulosa cell tumour
Mare, ovarian scan - twin ovulation
Endometrial cells
Endometrial cells + yeast
Mare - dioestrus
Mare - oestrus
Mare PD - day 12
Mare PD - day 14, first scan, 14-18 mm, spherical vesicle
Mare PD - day 16, zona pelucida breaks down, can see shape of conceptus beginning to form + lining uterus
Mare PD - day 17, implantion
Mare PD - day 21, irregular outline to conceptus, embryo visible (triangular shape)
Equine herpes (EHV-3) - blemishes around preputial fold
Stallion, priapism (prolonged erection)
Beans found in urethra of stallion
Stallion melanoma on penis
Stallion - SCC
Good conformation of external genitalia in mare
Poor conformation of external genitalia in mare - faeces from anus/air more likely to enter
Urovaginum - cranial displacement of vagina and urethral orifice over pelvic brim
Mare - foetal remnants
Mare - uterine cysts
Mare - endometritis, massive amount of fluid
Mare - pyometra
Vaginal varicose veins, no treatment required if minimal bleeding
Slight ventral wall oedema in mare, normal
Big plaque of ventral wall oedema, abnormal
Prepubic tendon rupture - tilt to pelvis, stretched out mare reluctant to move, no support from rectus abdominis
Retained foetal membranes
Mare - vestibular/vulval trauma
Mare - perineal laceration
Mare - 2nd degree perineal laceration, vulval lips + deeper perineal tissues (perineal body)
Mare - 3rd degree perineal laceration, vaginal roof, deep perineal tissues + rectal floor
Mare - recto-vaginal fistula, foal foot penetration + withdrawal
Mare - urovaginum, cranial displacement of vagina + urethral orifice over pelvic brim
Uterine laceration, mare
Uterine prolapse, mare
Anterior + dorsal, calf - legs in the way of head, need to get nose up, put long ropes on feet before putting back in, clenbuterol (planipart) to open up, when head in correct position, put head ropes on
Cap head around + in correct position, put ropes on legs, pull head forward - hook hand inside mouth, give planipart for more room, then head ropes
Posterior + dorsal, true breech, will feel tail - rope around back leg, joint bends, cup to prevent uterus damage, repeat on each leg, may need to push bum out of way, pos c-section
Anterior + dorsal + bilateral hock flexion - rope around hocks, cup, push head back, planipart - more room
Calf twins - maybe calve dorsal one first, mindful of limbs matching w/ same calf
(More ventral calf - may open up the canal more, head + feet, for backwards one)
Swollen head - been out a while, circulation cut off at neck, tight - use lots of lube, push head in, push other leg up, caesarian section
Swollen tongue + large foot - mother is thin cow, oversized foetus = C-SECTION, v obvious
Hamster, cytology of vaginal discharge: segmented neutrophils + macrophages (pyometra)
Hamster, US, hyperechoic endometrium, heterogenic flocculation (clumps), thickened endometrium
Tortoise, cloacal prolapse due to straining caused by GI parasties
- Green iguana, low Ca^2+
- Some thin shelled radiopaque eggs can be seen with the presence of follicles (less radiopaque). The bone cortices are very thin and not dense.
- Can see outline of eggs - calcium, eggs produced not properly shelled, no nice ring = post-ovulatory
- General bone density - radiolucent
Green iguana, pre-ovulatory stasis
What anatomical site is being swabbed in this mare?
Clitoral sinus
A late term pre-partum mare presents with colic and the following appearance on clinical examination, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Pre-pubic tendon rupture
An ultrasound of a mares reproductive tract is performed and the following is visualised on the left ovary. What stage of the oestrus cycle is this mare in?
Mid dioestrus
A mare presents as the owner is concerned because the mare is persistently showing signs of oestrus. Ultrasound examination reveals the following. What further diagnostic test should be recommended?
Blood test for Anti-Mullerian Hormone
What type of fluid is seen in this image of a mare’s reproductive tract?
Vaginal cytology is performed on a breeding bitch and reveals a predominance of parabasal cells, intermediate cells and an influx of neutrophils. Appearance on vaginoscopy is shown in the image below. What is the stage of the oestrous cycle?
- Uveitis
- Inflammation
- In-utero inflam, young foal
- Older foal - 2^y source of infection
Foal, abdominal distension, possible atresia coli, colic, D+ -> scalding -> hair loss
Foal, patent urachus, peeing from both structures
Foal, septic umbilical stump, necrotic, discharge
Foal, inguinal hernia, enlarged scrotal sac = intestines
Foal - hypovolaemia
Foal, sepsis - swollen joint, patent urachus
Foal - neonatal isoerythrolysis
Foal - a lot of meconium left in the abdo + not passed
Foal - diarrhoea in loops of SI, distended + swirling around
Foal, Madigan squeeze, reduced mentation, not sedated
Male foetal sexing - genital tuberculum migrating towards umbilicus
Female foetal sexing - genital tuberculum migrating towards anus/tail
Embryo transfer, embryo sorting - unfertilised ova
Embryo transfer, embryo sorting - 16 cell embryo, this stage on day 7 = degenerative
Embryo transfer, embryo sorting - grade I morula
Embryo transfer, embryo sorting - grade I early blastocyst
Embryo collection via laparotomy/laparoscopy - oviductal flush
Equine - oocyte from mature follicle
Equine oocyte pick up (OPU) (pre-ovulatory follicle aspiration)
Bovine IVF - Cumulus-oocyte complexes collected by OPU from donor animals -> oocytes matured for 22-24h
Bovine IVF - Expanded cumulus
Bovine IVF - Embryos 8-cell after 44h culture in vitro
Bovine IVF - Blastocyst stage on Day 7
Epididymal sperm collection, salvage procedure (bovine)
Cloning - embryo splitting