Repro Therapeutics Flashcards
GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) (female)
- Ovarian agenesis Dx (absence of oestrus) - test E2 levels to see if inc if ovarian tissue present
- Induces oestrus; follicular cysts to induce ovulation
- Dog
PMSG = pregnant mare serum gonadotropin
- Absence of oestrus - requires daily admin of PMSG for 10d following injection of HCG (chorionic gonadotropin hormone)
- Bitch should start cycling 7d after, inc FSH + LH -> oestrus
- Induces oestrus
- Dog
- Absence of oestrus, luteal ovarian cysts
- Daily admin until day 2 after onset of PO
- Off license but better results
- Inhibits prolactin (maintains CL) -> short circuits oestrous cycle, gets bitch cycling again
- Induces oestrus
- Dog
Progesterone (P4)
- Regression of follicular ovarian cysts (if for cows)
- Better to just spay if companion animal
- Dog
- When don’t have follicle/CL present -> synchronisation, start of oestrous cycle
Prostaglandin (PGF2-alpha Dinoprost) (Lutalyse; Zoetius)
- Regression of luteal ovarian cysts but takes longer than P4, causes luteolysis (doesn’t work on follicular cysts as no CL present)
- Possible medical management for pyometra
- Endometritis - induces natural oestrus, delivery of WBCs to uterus, against T. pyogenes/E. coli
- Induction of parturition - what would be produced from placenta in parturition, can be used in combo w/ corticosteroids (150 - 270 days)
- Causes uterine contractions
- Interrupts CL + stops P4 production
- Canine CL not as responsive as other species
- Brachycephalic breeds susceptible to bronchospasm
- Need to ensure not pregnant + cervix is open
- Dog
- Cattle - 5 - 100 days (+/- 100 - 150 days)
- TVT - given 0.025 mg/kg IV once weekly
Osaterone, delmadinone acetate (tardak), finasteride, deslorelin
- Off-licence in dogs to dec testosterone for BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
- Deslorelin = suprelorin implant; castration implant, blocks production of FSH + LH, GnRH agonist, testicles shrink down in size, less testosterone
- Dog
- Ferret - hyperadrenocorticism (adrenal gland disease AGD)
- Exotics, carnivores, female hoofstock, primates (males/females) - prevent ovulation + sperm production (suprelorin), can take 6 - 8 w to work in males, may last twice manufacturer recommendation (12 - 24 m)
Parecoxib, carprofen
- NSAIDs - COX-2 inhibitors for prostatic neoplasia, adenocarcinoma most common
- Maintaining QOL
- Dog
Aglepristone (Alizin; Virbac)
- Antiprogestagen (anti-progesterone)
- Accidental matings + possible medical management for pyometra
- Marked affinity for progesterone receptors in uterus -> blocks action of P4
- Dilates + relaxes cervix; inc myometrial activity; inhibition of P4 suppression of leucocytes; interrupts CLs
- Dog, hamster
Cabergoline (Galastop; Ceva)
- Prolactin inhibitors - pyometra medical management + false pregnancies to inhibit milk let down
- Inhibits support of CL by prolactin -> stops supporting P4 -> CL will regress, cervix will open + clear infection
- Dog
Penethamate hydriodide
- Systemic AB used for mastitis, only systemic AB that can cross blood-udder mem + high conc in udder
- When more than one quarter is affected
- Cattle
Penicillins, lincosamides, 1st + 2nd gen cephalosporins
- Lactating cow tubes (LCT), intramammary AB - G+ bacteria for mastitis infections
- Time-dependant + bactericidal
- Cattle
Aminoglycosides, 3rd + 4th gen cephalosprins
- Lactating cow tubes (LCT), intramammary AB - G- bacteria for mastitis infections
- Time-dependant + bactericidal
- Cattle
Flunixin meglumine
- Toxic mastitis in cattle; puerperal (toxic) metritis; clinical metritis; manual reduction of twin pregnancy in mare; uterine laceration; uterine prolapse
- Binds to toxins
- Cattle, horses
Intramammary cloxacillin
- Only AB licensed in sheep for mastitis
Amoxicillin / doxytetracycline
- Systemic AB
- Calving injury - trauma to birth canal / neighbouring structures; uterine prolapse; metritis: puerperal (toxic) metritis, clinical metritis
- After parturition (large animals)
- Contracts uterus + occludes small blood vv
- Post-partum haemorrhage - promotes uterine involution; persistent mating-induced endometritis (PMIE); metritis; hypogalactia/agalactia
- Uterine prolapse once replaced -> inc uterine tone / dystocia - post-calving for uterus involution
- Retained foetal membranes (low dose IM hourly)
- Milk letdown
- Toxic mastitis - cleans udder, milk let-down
- Maternal bonding
- Intrauterine cefapirin - baceteriogical cure AB
- Chronic endometritis
- Only intrauterine AB licensed in cattle
- Esp when no CL present in ovary
- Calves + lambs
- Stimulates respiration in neonates, dystocia
- No longer available
Caudal epidural anaesthesia
- Dystocia - prevention of abdominal contractions: to aid obstetrical manoeuvres; caesarean section; replacement of prolapsed uterus/vaginal prolapse, makes cow go down
- Location - last moveable vertebral joint: cattle: Co1 to Co2, hinge bit where tail moves; sheep: S4 to Co1
- LA (not licensed): procaine w/ adrenaline
- AKA Planipart
- Beta-2 receptor agonist = smooth muscle relaxant
- Dystocia - relaxes uterus for prepping birth canal in heifers + opens up uterus, aid to obstetrical manoeuvres; caesarean section (can find incision made); replacement of prolapsed uterus; uterine torsion
Oxytocin / calcium
- Uterotonics -> uterine contraction
- Dystocia
- Following Clenbuterol use - reverses effects
- Control of post-partum haemorrhage
- Management of uterine prolapse (after replacement)
- AKA Estrumate
- Synthetic analogue of PGF2-alpha
- Induces luteolysis
- Tx of pyometra; synchronisation of oestrous cycle
- Oestrus in 2-5 d depending on follicle size, serve to natural heat
- 2nd dose 10-11d later for fixed timed AI, ensures CL large enough
- Cattle, horses, dogs
- AE - can cause colic in mares due to smooth muscle contraction, don’t inject women -> abortion
Ovsynch (not crucial to remember for exams)
- Day 0 = give GnRH, stimulates FSH + LH production -> ovulation of follicle (when have follicle present, give GnRH)
- Day 7 = PGF2-alpha
- Day 9 = GnRH to prime next ovulation
P4 synch (not crucial to remember for exams)
- Day 0 = exo P4 w/ GnRH = stimulating ovulation
- Endogenous P4 being produced -> ovulation -> CL formation
- Two forms of P4
- 7 - 9 d (depends on type of cow) - PG, gets rid of any CL
- Remove prid 1d later - luteolysis takes 24 hr, get slow drop of endo P4
◦ 24h delay between jab + removal
P4 synch (not crucial to remember for exams)
- Day 0 = exo P4 w/ GnRH = stimulating ovulation
- Endogenous P4 being produced -> ovulation -> CL formation
- Two forms of P4
- 7 - 9 d (depends on type of cow) - PG, gets rid of any CL
- Remove prid 1d later - luteolysis takes 24 hr, get slow drop of endo P4
◦ 24h delay between jab + removal
Oestrous cycle synchronisation summary in cattle
- CL = PG
- Follicle = GnRH
- Want to synchronise/don’t have anything = P4
- When follicle/follicular cyst present
- Induces LH surge, gets rid of cyst
- Hypocalcaemia when dec muscle contractions, weak contractions
- Dystocia
Melatonin implants
- Not used in UK for sheep
- Sheep = seasonally polyoestrus, allows for lambing in December
- Ferrets - suppresses GnRH release -> suppression of FSH + LH for hyperadrenocorticism
CIDR bolus
- P4 implants in comb w/ PMSG
- Equivalent of prid/exogenous jab -> endo P4
- Exogenous P4
- If starting cycle earlier
- Sheep
P4 + PMSG (pregnant mare serum gonadotropin)
- Induction and synchronisation of oestrus and ovulation
- Anoestrus
- Tighten lambing period
Leuprolide acetate (LUPRON)
- GnRH agonist - suppresses LH release through desensitisation
- Hyperadrencorticism
- Ferret
- Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)
- Stimulates LH surge - induction of ovulation
- Follicle 3.5 cm + uterine oedema 3-4 cm
- 1500 - 3000 iu, IV
- > 80% mares ovulate within 48hr (mean 46hr)
- Stimulate GnRH to induce endogenous LH secretion
- Follicle >3 cm + some uterine oedema
- Single, sub-cut implant/IM
- 90% mares ovulate within 36 - 42 hr
- Induces erection/ejaculation
- Damage of dorsal nerve of penis (no sensation when skin pinched)
- Stallion
- Induces emission
- Spermiostasis - blocked ejaculatory ducts
- Stallion
Regu-mate (altrenogest)
- Suppresses oestrus in mares
- Synthetic P4 analogue
- Promoting uterine quiescence - placentitis - inhibits receptor formation, prevents prostaglandin-induced abortion
TMPS / Gentamicin (+Penicillin) / Ceftiofur
- Antimicrobials that cross placental barrier
- Placentitis; RFM; metritis; uterine laceration
- TMPS - shown alone to improve pregnancy outcome in placentitis
- Ceftiofur - distributes more widely in foal to get to same level as plasma (foals, sepsis)
- Horses
Flunixin meglumine / Phenylbutazone / Pentoxifylline
- Reduce inflammation in placenta, inhibit action of prostaglandins which may promote abortion
- Placentitis; metritis
- Horses
Aspirin / Pentoxifylline
- Maintain uteroplacental perfusion
- Aspirin - prevents microthrombi formation
- Placentitis
- Horses
Gabapentin, ephedrine, terbutaline
- Non-ischaemic (no cause identified) priapism = persistent erection
Progestagens - Ovarid, Delvosteron
- Postponement of heat
- Some skin conditions in cats
- Enhance stimulatory effect of progesterone on uterus (sensitise progesterone receptors)
- Not often used in UK, exogenous use, misalliance, significantly increases risk of pyometra
- Accidental matings
Tranexamic acid
- Anti-fibrinolytic, aids in clot stabilisation
- Periparturient haemorrhage
- Expensive
- Horses
- Induces primary haemostasis, enhanced endothelial or platelet activation
- Controversial therapy
- Periparturient haemorrhage
- Horses
- Inhibits action of endogenous opioids, helps dec vasodilation
- Expensive
- Periparturient haemorrhage
- Horses
- Dopamine antagonist
- Hypogalactia/agalactia (poor milk production)
- Horses
Inverted L block
- Local anaesthetic
- Standing procedures, dystocia in cows
Leuprolide acetate
- GnRH agonist, suppresses LH release through desensitisation
- Ferrets - hyperadrenocorticism
- Rapid relief of hypersensitivity reaction
- E.g. Bovine albumin cross-reacting with plasma -> reaction in foal
Diazepam (Valium)
- Sedative
- Foal, plasma transfusion, will make recumbent
- Can be reversed by Flumazenil, make foal get back up
- Sedative
- Naughty foal for plasma transfusion, high dose, 5 mg, won’t become recumbent
Amipicillin + Amikacin
- Broad spectrum AB
- Sepsis in foals first line Tx
- But have renal side effects (Gentamicin most nephrotoxic), use Ceftiofur if worried e.g. foal w/ underdeveloped renal func
Diazepam / Midazolam
- Seizure control, short-term
- Diazepam IV (or per rectum)
- Midazolam IV/IM (adv)
- Foal
Phosphate / acetyl cysteine retention enema
- Meconium retention/impaction in foals
- Dissolves coating of meconium
Sucralfate (Antepsin)
- Acid blocker - localised, binding effect
- Gastric ulceration, in young foals related to systemic disease + abnormal perfusion (but usually avoid as foals have more alkaline gastric pH)
- Acid-suppressing, gastric ulceration
Nexplanon (etonogestrel)
- Chemical contraception - implant
- Progesterone - inhibit follicle development + prevents ovulation + changes uterine environment, -ive feedback prevents GnRH release (human medication)
- Females only
- Immediate effect
- Lasts for 2 y
- Exotics - hoofstock + primates (avoid in carnivores)
Depo-provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate)
- Injectable chemical contraception
- Progesterone - suppresses FSH + LH preventing ovulation + sperm production
- Females only
- Exotics - hoofstock, primates, carnivores
- Repeat injection every 2 - 4 m, effective within 2 - 3 d
- Can impact parturition, lactation + maternal behaviour
- GnRH agonist - suppresses FSH + LH preventing ovulation + sperm production
- Females only
- Hoofstock only
- Require course of primary vaccinations 4 - 6 w apart, then repeat injection every 4 m; considered effective 4 w after second primary injection
- [Pig castration - induces antibodies against GnRH to produce a temporary immunological suppression of testicular function]
- Termination of pregnancy - contains Aglepristone, a progesterone receptor antagonist that blocks the hormone needed for implantation and placental development, causing abortion