Spanish Test 2 (1st Try) Flashcards
¿Cómo se dice ‘Hello’ en español?
Usado como saludo en español.
¿Qué significa ‘Nice to meet you’ en español?
Encantado/a de conocerte.
Frase común al conocer a alguien por primera vez.
¿Cómo se dice ‘Goodbye’ en español?
Usado para despedirse.
¿Cómo se dice ‘My name is…’ en español?
Me llamo…
Forma de presentarse.
¿Cómo se dice ‘I’m from…’ en español?
Soy de…
Se usa para indicar el lugar de origen.
¿Qué título se usa para un hombre en español?
Señor (Sr.)
Título formal para hombres.
¿Qué título se usa para una mujer soltera en español?
Señorita (Srta.)
Título formal para mujeres solteras.
¿Cómo se dice ‘you (informal)’ en español?
Pronombre para el trato informal.
¿Cómo se dice ‘you (formal)’ en español?
Pronombre para el trato formal.
¿Qué significa ‘¿Y tú?’ en español?
And you?
Pregunta para solicitar información sobre la otra persona.
¿Cuáles son los números del 0 al 10 en español?
cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
Números básicos en español.
¿Cómo se dicen los números 11 a 15 en español?
once, doce, trece, catorce, quince
Continuación de los números básicos.
¿Cómo se dice ‘there is, there are’ en español?
Usado para indicar existencia.
¿Qué significa el verbo ‘ser’ en español?
to be
Verbo esencial para describir identidad o características.
¿Qué significa ‘¿Cuánto?’ en español?
How much?
Pregunta para solicitar información sobre cantidad.
¿Qué significa ‘¿Cuántos?’ en español?
How many?
Pregunta para solicitar información sobre número.
¿Cómo se dice ‘Where?’ en español?
Pregunta para solicitar ubicación.
¿Qué sonido representa la letra ‘ñ’ en español?
ny sound
Característica única del alfabeto español.
¿Cómo se dice ‘we’ en español?
Pronombre plural para incluir al hablante.
¿Cómo se dice ‘they’ en español?
Pronombre plural para referirse a un grupo de personas.
What is the Spanish word for ‘eras’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘chalk’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘friend’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘man’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘woman’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘the Chinese’?
el chino
What is the Spanish word for ‘the English’?
el inglés
What is the Spanish word for ‘the Russian’?
el ruso
What is the Spanish word for ‘Monday’?
el lunes
What is the Spanish word for ‘Tuesday’?
el martes
What is the Spanish word for ‘Thursday’?
el jueves
What is the Spanish word for ‘Friday’?
el viernes
What is the Spanish word for ‘Saturday’?
el sábado
What is the Spanish word for ‘blue’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘red’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘green’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘fifty’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘campus’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘library’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘cafeteria’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘office’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘majors’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘business’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘art’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘science’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘law’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘history’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘math’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘music’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘theatre’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘Chinese’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘Spanish’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘French’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘English’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘Italian’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘now’?
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘on time’?
a tiempo
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘in the morning’?
de (por) la mañana
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘afternoon/evening’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘day’?
el día
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘on the dot’?
en punto
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘weekend’?
el fin de semana
What is the Spanish word for ‘today’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘tomorrow’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘midnight’?
la medianoche
What is the Spanish word for ‘noon’?
el mediodía
What is the Spanish word for ‘week’?
la semana
What is the Spanish word for ‘late’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘early’?
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘every day’?
todos los días
What does ‘¿A qué hora…?’ mean?
At what time…?
What does ‘¿Qué hora es?’ mean?
What time is it?
What is the Spanish word for ‘the’ (feminine)?
What is the Spanish word for ‘a’ (masculine)?
What is the Spanish word for ‘a’ (feminine)?
What is the Spanish word for ‘some’ (masculine)?
What is the Spanish word for ‘some’ (feminine)?
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to help’?
to help
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to walk’?
to walk
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to sing’?
to sing
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to buy’?
to buy
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to rest’?
to rest
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to draw’?
to draw
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to teach’?
to teach
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to enter’?
to enter
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to listen’?
to listen
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to study’?
to study
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to speak’?
to speak
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to arrive’?
to arrive
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to send’?
to send
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to watch’?
to watch
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to need’?
to need
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to pay’?
to pay
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to return’?
to return
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to finish’?
to finish
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to take’?
to take
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to work’?
to work
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to use’?
to use
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to travel’?
to travel
What is the Spanish phrase for ‘to visit’?
to visit