Literature test on NT Flashcards
Beginning in the nineteenth century, readers started to also think of the Bible as what?
work of literature
This shift in perception emphasized the Bible’s role in historical analysis.
The books of the Bible referred to as the ‘Gospels’ all ‘retell’ what?
The life and teachings of Jesus
The gospels can be read as what type of ‘biography as practiced around the Mediterranean during the first century’?
A literary biography
The ‘metaphorical language of the Gospel of John reflects the strong influence of’ what ‘on Jewish communities’?
Platonic philosophy
In what town was Jesus born?
What ‘vernacular’ was used by most local inhabitants of Judea even though it was part of the Roman Empire, which used Latin?
Which ruler ‘established’ the ‘vast empire’ that encompassed ‘Judea and the surrounding lands’?
Alexander the Great
The ‘local Jewish population…had embraced’ which people group’s ‘literature and philosophy’?
From whose ‘records’ do we ‘know there was a historical Jesus’?
The dating system we use today reflects the fundamental break in time that early Christians believed had taken place. Before Jesus, time was measured by the ‘reign of the individual’ what?
Since ‘Christians viewed Jesus as a divine lord whose authority surmounted that of any early kingdom or empire….they began to number the years’ with what abbreviation?
What does ‘A.D.’ stand for?
Anno Domini
Even though ‘B.C./A.D.’ has been changed to ‘B.C.E./C.E.’ (before common era/common era), ‘we continue to number our years from’ what event in history?
The birth of Jesus
How many books are there in the New Testament?
With whom was ‘the old covenant’ originally ‘established by God’ and later ‘after the flood, reestablished with Noah’?
The old covenants are considered what, which is described as ‘the first stage of a process that would be fulfilled only with the advent of Jesus’?
Preliminary agreements
When were the ‘eyewitness accounts of the life of Jesus…committed to written form’?
Between 60 and 100 A.D.
‘Second-century theologian Irenaeus of Lyons declared that there are only four gospels, just as there are only four’ of what two aspects?
- Corners of the earth
- Principal winds
What are the ‘Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke called’?
Synoptic Gospels
What does the text say are the ‘most important’ ‘episodes’ that Matthew, Mark, and Luke have in common?
- The baptism of Jesus
- Miracles performed by Jesus
*Parables taught by Jesus - The feeding of the 5000
- Last Supper
- Crucifixion & Resurrection
Which gospel ‘tells us the most about the childhood and parentage of Jesus’?
What does Mark’s account place ‘special emphasis on’?
The suffering of Jesus & actions and miracles of Jesus
Which ‘audience’ does Mark ‘appear to be addressing’?
Gentile Christians
Matthew’s gospel ‘exhibits a special interest in the ways in which’ whose ‘history is fulfilled with the coming of Jesus Christ’?
Jewish history
Matthew also focused on Jesus use of ‘little stories that reveal profound spiritual truths through metaphorical, even allegorical language.’ What are these stories called?
What is the ‘deepest of all paradoxes’ about Jesus Christ presented in different ways in John and Luke’s gospels?
His divine and human nature (logos)
Even though Jesus and his apostles would have spoken Aramaic, which is what Jesus used when he cried out on the cross, in what language were the gospels ‘written down’?
What did the language used to write down the gospels enable it to do as it was ‘swiftly passed on in both oral and written form across the Mediterranean Sea, through Asia, Europe, and northern Africa’?
Reach a wider audience
What is Jerome’s 382 A.D./C.E Latin translation, as requested by ‘Pope Damasus,’ known as?
The Vulgate
Jerome’s Latin translation was used ‘for more than a thousand years…until new versions of the sacred text began to be produced at the dawn’ of what period in history?
The Reformation
What is the ‘most recent…format,’ which is used to ‘educate…children’?
Children’s Bible