SOR 2 Flashcards
What is the Dreaming
The Dreaming refers to the spiritual beliefs that tie together the values of first nations people. It refers to the past, present and future beleifs of aboriginals
What is the dreamtime
The Dreamtime refers to the beleifs of first nations people of how and or why people are here in the first place. It refers to the past aspect of the dreaming.
Disscuss how aboriginal spirituality is determind by the dreaming
- Kinship gorups
- Ceremonial life
- Obligation to land and people
What does Kinship gorups refer to
Refers to the order of social relationships connecting people in a culture. It is the connection that aboriginal people have for one another. This is all achieved through the land, as it acts as a framework for establishing individual identity and relationships.
Kinship enforces rules based on the tribe or totemic group all assigned to make sure the land and the people are looking after safley. It ensures that the people are not taking more then they need to.
What does ceremonial life refer to
This refers to where people interact with the dreamtime through music, costume and dance. These acts provides access to the spiritual world and prepetuting the dreaming. The main role is to access the dreaming and to remeber it. e.g The Birth ritual.
What is the continuing effect of dispossession of Aboriginals
- Seperation from land
- Stolen Generation
- Seperation from kinship groups.
Outline the importance of the Native title act in relation to the land rights movement
Land rights movements refers to the struggle of re claiming the lands and the dreaming from which aborignal poeple have been dispossessed.
Native title is a principal that acknowledges that aborignal people did not loose their land and waters to british settlers, that it was their land. Native title was the basis of the land rights movement.
Outline the importance of the Mabo case in relation to the land rights movement
The mabo was a case and it overturned the idea that australia was a “terre nullius” nation. This was a major turning point because it acknowledge their unique connection to the land. Also the very first legal proof that aboriginal owned the land.
What are the land rights movment major thingies
- Native Title
- Mabo
- Wik
Outline the importance of the Wik case in relation to the land rights movement
Acknowledged that two parties can exist side by side, and gave access to aborignal to their traditional land.
Describe the impact of christian ecumunical movements in australia
Ecumenism refers to the coming together of Christian denominations to confront modern fustrations and problems.
For example, The national Council of Churches,
-NSW Ecumencial Council
- E.g Chritmas Bowl Appeal
What is interfaith Dialouge
Interfaith dialogue is the coming together of members of different religions in order to have a positive interaction about understanding and familirarity.
It is important because it —Promotes mutal understanding
-Ability to work community problems together
-To learn from and about each other.
- examine the relationship between Aboriginal spiritualities and religious traditions in the process of Reconciliation
The church is working in accordance with the government policy, providing accomidation, education and work placement for the children.
- Offered formal apoligise for their role in the missionaries
- Strongly urge the Governement to make an apology for their role as well.
- the expression of the religious dimension in human history
- Monotheism
- Polytheism
- Animism
- the significance of the religious dimension in human history
- The meaning and Purpose to the individual
- Social Cohesian
-Social Transformation
- the rise of new religious expression and spiritualities
- Search for personal fulfilment
- Seek ethical guidance
- Seek to Clarify their relationship with society
- the influences on the growth of new religious expressions and spiritualities
- Rise of materialisim
- Sceintific Progress
-Growth of ecological awarness - Disentatchment with ‘Traditional’ Religious practise and guidance.
- outline the essential features of Atheism and Agnosticism
Athiesm: Doesn’t beleive in God
Agnostic: Someone who doesn’t beleive it’s possible to know for sure if God exists.
- outline the positions of:
– Rational Humanism
– Scientific Humanism
Rational Humanism: Humanism is an approach to life based on reason and moral values. Rational Humanism focuses on the value of human life and elevates human reasoning in the highest form. Beleif that human reasoning is a guide for ethical human behaviour.
Scientific Humanism: An intellectual movement directed towards justice, equality and world peace, Sceintific finds requires humanism to propose new assertions about the world and form therios based of those discoveries, Focuses on technology and sceince to solve the world problems.
Christianity Summary Hooray !
Contribution of Paul of Tarsis
- Letters about love
“But the fruit of the spirit is love” Gal 5:22 - Pauls teaching about faith
“We walk by faith, not by sight” 2 cor 5:7
Christianity Paul of tarisis
what was his impact as a result of that
- Christian marragie
- Divorce is not encouraged
“until death do us part”
- Current Sat/Sun Worship
- “Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world”
Defontion of baptism
Ordinary rite by which most christian denominations welcome new members into their faith community.
How does it express Beleifs of Christianity
- Salvation
“And this water saves you by the ressurection of Jesus Christ”(Mark 16) - Belief in the Holy Trinity
“For we were all Baptised by one spirit into the body” (1:12 Corinthians)
Significance of Baptism to the community
- Unity
- Celebration
Christina enviornmental ethics
- Stewardship
- “And take care of it” (Gen 1:28)
- “Duty for creation through little daily actions”- Laudatu si - Communion with Creation
- “ All of us can coorperate as instruments of God for the care of creation”
-Ladautu si
Islam Contribution of Aisha
- Role Model (rejection of wealth)
- Educator
Islam impact of Aisha
- Daar Aisah College
- The Lady Aisha College
How does hajj explore key islamic beleifs
- Tawhid
- Muslims circle the kaba seven times, symbolising that Allah is their centre of their lives
“Anyone who enters it shall be granted safe passage” Qur’an 2:203 - Zakat
The value of zakat amount to 2.5% of savings. In simple words if you have saved money for Hajj, then as long it is in your bank account, you must pay Zakat on it.
“And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah” (2:110) Quran
What is the significance of the Hajj to the community
- Strengthens the community - Equality
- Hajj strengthens the unity and equality amuong the islamic community. It reminds the community that not matter what race nor country, that everyone who undertakes Hajj worships Allah. - Communial Support - Zakat
- The art of Zakat is strongly inforced by the islamic culture and is a core belief, therefore when almsgiving, and sharing amungst the poor, it develops communial support, as it is an obligation to each other to look after each other.
What does enviornmental Ethics mean
Enviornmental ethics refers to the moral relationship between humans and the enviornment
What are the enviornmental ethics for Islam
- Tawhid
“To God belongs all that is in the heavans and on earth” (Qur’an 4:126) - Accountability + Trust
- “Bow down in worship to all things…. “The sun, the moon and the stars”. (Quran 22:18)
sum up my boy Heschel
Heschel was a theologian and philosepher with a social consiousness that led him to participate in the civil rights movement.
What are the Contributions of Abraham Heschel
- Role Model - Social Activism
“Racial Justice is a Jewish issue”
“My feet were praying”
“God is either the father of all men or no men” - Writings and Ideology
How to adapt Jewish teaching into the Modern world
“God in search of man”
What are the impact as a result of Abraham Heschel
- Heschels Centre for sustainability
- Heschel School (NYC)
Judaism ethics sum up
Jewish ethics focuses on the relationship between God and mankind. The covenant understood as the framework that governs the relationship between the Jewish people and God, is at the heart of Jewish ethics. Sources e.g “You shall not destroy its trees”
Key Ethical teachings in Judaism
- Bal taschit
- “Do not Destroy” - Tikkin Olam
- Repair of the world
Orginistations for enviornmental ethics
- The Jewish ecological coalation (JECO)
- Established to emphasise and deepen the Jewish commitment to sustainability and to raise awarness within and beyond the Jewish community about Judaism strong environemental message.
-Educate individuals
- Build Bridges between judaism and the wider community
- Help recycling orginisations - Jewish Climate Network
- Raise awarness
- Mobilise action
What is the Jewish practise of Marragie
Marraige is seen as the formal union of two people, sanctified by God. “Be fruitful and multiply”
How it expresses key judaism Beleifs
- Fasting
- Breaking the Glass
“Mazal too” (Good Luck)
How is fasting shown in the core beleifs of the jewish marraige
The bride and groom fast until after the wedding ceremony is over. It is an oppurtunity for the couple to make amends for their sins and enter into marraige in a state of ritual purity and sinless. This reminds them that they are in the threshold of a new life, and when they marry their sins are forgotten.
How does breaking the glass signifiy core judaism beleifs
The breaking of the glass symbolises the fact that life is not perfect, reflects back to the burining of the Jewish temple. Glass is shattered by the groom to which the crowd cries out, “Mazal too”(good luck). It symbolises the destruction of the first and second temple in jerusalim. Reminds them of the broken world - sad times in life, and therefore there will be sad times in marragie as well.
What is the significance of Judaism marraige to the community
- Reminder
Reaffirms the beliefs of Judaism, which teaches moral lessons. Witnesses are reminded of their own commitments, which can serve as motivation for the younger generation. Reminding followers of their own previously made commitments to their culture - Ongoing Growth
Contributes to the ongoing growth and success of the Jewish community. Judaism is passed down from generations, hence expanding.
Account for the reasons why the religious expression in Australia
- Christianty as the major religious tradition
- Immigration
- Denominational switching
- Rise of new age religions
- Secularism - The principle of seperation of the state from religious institutions
Ecumenical movements;
“Act for Peace” - Initiative
Allows gifts to be given away, and money spent to help build houses for the underprivledged
What are the differences between religious and non-religous worldviews
- The concept of the transcendent
- The human person
-Social responsibilty
Define the Hajj
The annual pilgrimage that muslims embark on with the intention of visiting holy places and performing certain rituals.
Regarding Islamic enviornmental ethics, what are the orginisations helping
- International Islamic Climate Declaration
- Declaration calling all muslims to do their part, in the green house gas emissions and to commit to renewable energy. Orginised by muslim leader in paris of 2015. They specifaclly as oil leaders to lead the way. - EcoIslam
- Uk based charity based on the maintenence of the earth as a healthy habitat for all living things. Dedicated to mass awarness and research. e.g Green Mosque project.
Christianity and Peace Essay Structure
Paragraph 1
Teaching - Faith in Jesus Christ
Scripture - “Blessed are the peace makers for they are the children of God” Mark
World Peace - Pax Christi
-“ Violence and Peace” - Initiative
Encoureges peace walks that strive to end voilence and promote hope, to repair broken countries
Christianity and Peace Essay structure
Paragraph 2
Teaching - Peace is established through love and forgiveness
Scripture - “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” Mark
World - Christian Church supporting the Uluru statement
Christianity and Peace Essay structure
Paragraph 3
Teachings- There can be no peace without Action
Scripture - “For I was hungary and you gave me food”- Mark
World - Colombian Mission institute
- Working with the poor
- Advocating respect and care for the envioronment
Islam and Peace Essay Structure
Paragraph 1
Teaching - Live in Submission to Allah.
-Peace is only established when an individual fully submits themselves to Allah.
Source - “Allah guides those who Pursue his please to the ways of Peace” Quran 5:15-16
World - “Muslims for Peace”
A nation wide blood drive campaign to honour victims of 9/11 in the month of Septmeber
Islam and Peace Essay Structure
Paragraph 2
Teaching - 5 Pillars help to achieve peace
- jihad - “struggle” - against enemies of Allah
Greater Jihad and lesser Jihad
Source - “if anyone shows hostality to others, God will show hostality to him” - Hadith
World - Muslim council of Elders
- E.g Peace convoys
Promoting the culture of peace and co-exitence among Muslims and followers of the other faiths, and encouraging the young Muslims to make a successful social integration in their current communities. Reducing the tension that is centred around the Muslim communities abroad.
Islam and Peace Essay Structure
Paragraph 3
Teaching - Allah is Creator
“Allah is the source of peace and perfection”
Source - “We create you from a single pair of Man and Female” Quran 49:13
World - Islamic Relief Australia
Dedicated to fighting Poverty, and alleviating the suffering of people globaly. e.g Back to school initiatvie
Focuses on supplying schools with essential items like books, stationairy and uniform.