English Paper 1 Flashcards
Give Examples of Human Experince
- Sadness
- Greif
- Angry
- Questions
- Puzzleness
- Regret
Love and freindship
Death and grief
What is an anomaly
Something that deviates from what is standared, normal or expected
What is a paradox
A figure of speech that seems to contridict itslef, but contains some reason of truth behind it. e.g save money by saving it
what is an inconsistencies
The fact of containing some ideas, statements, areguments that do not agree with others.
What are the two Poems for kenneth Slessor
- Gulliver
- Wild Grapes
What is Gulliver about? what is the human expeirnce
A dramatic monologue, expression of fustration and despair. In terms of human experince, Gulliver becomes the symbol of the ties that imprison the human body, the limits of the body and the fustration the persona has for it
Main Human experince showed through this poem is
- Fustration
- Helplessness
- lack of Control
How is Gulliver an individual or collective expeirence
- Can be individual, because it is ones body and mind. And it is the singular personas ideas about the human body
- Collective can also be experienced because every human has their own body, so everyone is experincing the same physical challenges.
How is anomilies, paradoxies and inconsistincies shown throughout the poem
Anomilies and inconsistencies
- Sence of Nihilisim
- Gulliver is unable to move but all his threats are about movement
- At the end the narrator wants to kill himself, but in doing so will kill his consiousness.
What are the Quotes for Gulliver
“Hundred ropes of nerve and bone” - Metaphor
- A reference to Gulliver being tied down by the tiny people in the book Gulliver travels
- Is a clear way of saying that we are prisoneirs of tiny versions of ourselves, in our minds that make us obssess over our insecurities.
“For Gods Sake, call the hangman” - Symbolism
- The paradoxical question is answered with this in reference to the only freedom from the pains of the human expeirence is death
What the living fuck is wild Grapes about
Describing the memoirs of a loved one with great reference to an old orchard.
What is the human experince being showed
Individual or collective experince
- both. Personal, through the singular persons memory of isebella, it is his thoughts and memoirs of her. He also makes refernce to a specific orchard
- collective. through everyone feeling loss at some point in their lives. And the people will always have memories of the loved one with them.
Any anomilies, paradoxies and inconsistencies
Anomilies= The Grapes are being described as misplaced like the girl herself.
Paradoxicals = “Harsh sweetness” - A gentleness which is simultainesly groting
Inconsistencies = The inconsistesies of life
“Kissed here, killed here”
Ant technquies at all love? for wild grapes
“Harsh Sweetness” - Oxymoron and paradoxical imagery.
- IT captures the personas feelings of the girl, how sweet to remeber but harsh in the reality that she is no longer there. Also makes refernce to the grapes
“Kissed here, or killed here” - Juxtiposition
- Makes the audience understand how could something be so different become so blurred. Conveys the inconsistencies of life.
what is my other related Text
Happiness by Steve Cutts
What is the human experince shown through Happiness
Is it collective or individual experince
Both. Can be ones viewed happiness and the thoughts of Goods. Also collective because majority of the population is doing exactly what the rats displayed in the film are doing.
What are the anomilies, paradoxies and inconsistencies of Happiness
- The fact that rats are acting like humans
- The fact that the purpose of the film is to find happiness but it really cannot be found and has to really be created
- The exaggerated inconsistencies of the shopping lifestyle
What are the techniques used in Happiness
Ambiguity - The first scene is set in a crowded subway station where the sign show the way for “nowhere”. But the rats are still going and coming and can be interpretted as life.
Ambiguity is a method of storytelling in which writers purposefully write in a vague or ambiguous manner to add a layer of complexity to a piece.
“Absolute Happiness” - Metaphor
- Means attributing human qualities to non human things such as animals or objects.