PDHPE Core 2 Flashcards
List the Energy systems
- Lactic Acid System
3 Aeorobic system
List the types of training
- Aerobic
- Anaerobic
- Flexabillity
- Strength training
List the training methods involved with Aerobic training
- Continous
- Long interval
- Fartleck
List the training methods involved with Anaerobic training
- Anaeroibic interval
List the training methods involved with Flexabillity
- Static (Gradual lengethening of the muscle )
- Ballistic (Repeated movements such as swining)
- PNF(Lengething of muscles against resistence)
List the training methods involved with strength training
- Free weights
- Hydralics
- Elastics
What are the Principles of Training
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V - Variety
W - Warm up and cool down
T- Training Threshold
R - Reversibllity
P - Progressive overload
S - Specificity
What are the physiological adaptations
H - Haemeglobin levels
O -Oxygen uptake and lung capcity
M - Muscle hypertrophy
E - Effect of slow twich muscle fibres
R - Resting heart rate
S - Stroke volume
List the types of motivation
- Intrinsic
- Extrinsic
- Postitive
- Negative
List the type of Anxiety
- State
- Trait
What does Anxiety mean ?
Anxiety is a feeling of uneasyness
What is arousal ?
Arousal is physiological resulting from bodily responses to a stimulus.
List the sources of stress
Personal expectation
Competition pressure
Social pressure
What are the psychological startegies to enhance motivation and manage anxiety
- Concentration
- Mental rehersal / Visualistaion
- Goal setting
- Relaxation techniques
What are the nutritional considerations that athletes need to consider
During Performance
Define supplementation Champ?
It is the use of pills or special types of food in order to get better health
List the Supplementation types
- Vitamins
- Protein
- Caffeine
- Creatine
List all the Recovery strategies and an example
- Psycholoigcal e.g Meditation
- Physiological e.g Hydration or cool down
- Neural stategies e.g Hydrotherapy ( water immersion)
- Tissue Damage e.g Cryotherapy ( cold treatments)
List the stages of skill acquisition
- Cognitive
- Associative
- Autonomous
Describe the charactersics of a leaner
- Personality
- Hereditary
- Confidencce
4 .Prior experince
Tell me all factors of the learning environement
- Nature of skill ( open, closed, Gross, fine, Discrete, serial, continious, self-paced, externally paced.
- Performance elements ( Decision making, Strategic and tactical development)
- Practise method ( Massed, Distributed, whole, Part)
- Feedback ( Internal, external, concurrent, delayed)
List everything involved with the nature of Skill
Open - Continually changing environement
Closed - Enviornment that is predictable
Self paced
Externally paced
Gross - Require large muscle groups
Fine - Small muscle groups
Discrete skills - Skills that have a distinct begenning and end e.g forward roll
Serial skills - Involve a seqeunce of smaller movements that are assembled together to make a total skill e.g Bowling in cricket
Continious skills - skills that habe no distinct begging or end e,g swimming
Self Paced -
Extternally paced
List everything involved with the performance elements
- Decision making
- Strategic and tactical development
List everything to do with Practise Method
Massed Practise - Continous practise
Distributed Practise
Whole part
Part Practise
List all types of feedback
List the characteristics of a skilled performer
- Anticipation ( Predicting what might happen next )
- Kinaesthetic Sense ( Refers to the sensory information recieved from their body postion and awarness of limbs during a movement)
- Consistency
- Technique
What is an objective performance Measure
Objective - Measurment is done using something other the a person observing. e.g Stop watch or record of goals
What is a subjective perfromance measure
Subjective - Measures are dependent on the observer and based on opinions and feelings. e.g Dance
What does the reliabillity of a test refer to
Refers to the test consistency, the ability of the scorer to produce the same result each time for the same performance. Reliabillity is refers to the way it is conducted in a reliable enviorment
What does the validity of the tests refer to
Refers to the test ability to meaasure what its supposed to measure. E.g the beep test is desgined to measure ones cardio vascular endurance.
Personal versus Prescribed judging criteria
Perosnal - are the pre suppositions brought to the performance by the judge and are very subjective. These includes the judges expectations and pre concerend ideas about the perfoamce
Prescribed - Are established criteria created by the sporting body, which ar then used to appraise the performance. Often comes in the form of a checklist.