Sonar / Strike Flashcards
What Does Sonar Stand For?
Sound Navigation and Ranging
What is Passive Sonar?
Bearing and classification. Broadband and Narrow band displays allows us to classify contacts
What is Active Sonar?
Bearing and range.
What Factors Affect Speed of Sound in Water?
Temperature: Every 1 degree change in temperature causes a 6 feet per second (fps) change in sound velocity.
Salinity: Every 1 part per thousand (ppt) change in salinity causes a 4 fps change in sound velocity.
Pressure: Every 100 feet change in depth causes a 2 fps change in sound velocity.
What Sonar Suite do we Have?
AN/SQQ-89 A(V)15 ACB 11
What is the Sonar Dome?
The dome encases 53C active array, filled with 26,000 gallons of fresh water and pressurized to 39.5-41.5 psi of firemain.
In case of a casualty, the ship is restricted to a speed of 5 kts until casualty has been corrected.
What is the Fathometer?
Measures depth of the water in feet and fathom. 1 fathom = 6 feet.
What is the XBT?
Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT): Expendable probe that measures Temperature vs Depth down to 1500 ft.
What and Where is MFTA?
-Brevity Code- Serpent
-Receives passive acoustics and active returns.
-MFTA is stowed on the OK-410 winch.
-MFTA consists of 7 modules with a total length of 610 ft.
-MFTA is connected to a tow cable with a total length of 5,600 ft, while only being able to deploy a maximum of 5,200 ft. A minimum of 400 ft of cable scope is required on the winch to anchor the array to the ship.
What are the Tow Restrictions for MFTA?
During deployment and retrieval of MFTA the required ship speed is between 10-15 kts. (12 kts preferred)
When turning greater than 360 degrees, the ship turn rate must not exceed 180 deg/min.
What is the SLQ-25 (NIXIE)?
-Brevity Code- Fan Fare
-Noise feature to confuse torpedoes from search and attack mode to run out of fuel (Torpedo Countermeasure)
-NIXIE is stowed on the RL-272 winch.
-Onboard we have 1 NIXIE equipped with 2 towed bodies (Fish).
-Each Fish is attached to a tow cable with a length of 2,100 ft, while only being able to deploy 2,000 ft. A minimum of 100 ft of cable scope is required on the winch to anchor the Fish to the ship.
-Each cable is also equipped with 2 Magnetic Influenced Counter Measures (MICM), forward and aft of the cable. MICM creates a magnetic field to provoke wake homing torpedoes to self-detonate.
What are the Tow Restrictions for NIXIE?
During deployment and retrieval of NIXIE the required ship speed is between 10-25 kts.
Course changes are limited to less than 180 degrees.
What SONOBUOYS do we Have?
DIFAR (Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording): Passive Processing. Brevity code – Pointer
DICASS (Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System): Active Processing. Brevity code – Cadillac
What is DSMAC Guidance System?
When a TLAM flies over a DSMAC scene (ground area from which imagery is obtained) a downward-looking electro-optical camera takes a series of snap shots. The TLAM then compares the snap shots to a reference map stored in the missile’s computer to determine the TLAM’s position. The reference map is part of the mission data that is loaded during missile spin up.
What is TERCOM Guidance System?
A system that compares radar altimeter-measured terrain heights beneath TLAM’s flight path with digitized terrain heights stored in the guidance computer to update the missile’s navigation.
What is GPS Guidance?
A satellite navigation system that aids in missile navigation.
What is INS Guidance System?
By utilizing a combination of gyroscopes and accelerometers, INS provides continuous missile location data that the guidance computer uses to determine the heading, altitude, and speed required to fly the missile along its planned route. Prior to launch, the missile INS is aligned with ship’s INS (ship’s gyro). INS is not sufficient alone to guarantee the missile will hit its assigned target. The INS output to the guidance computer is updated from several navigation sources while the missile is in flight to its target. These sources include altimeters, GPS, DSMAC, Vertical Update Points (VUP), and TERCOM.
What is Preferred Launch Position (PLP)?
Area where ship plans to launch from.
What is FPPWP?
This is the waypoint closest to land.
What is the Booster Drop Zone?
A safe and clear area around the ship where the booster can safely drop in the water. (3000yds away from the ship-
1000yd radius)
What is Manual Strike Package?
Built from either a LSP or Indigo message by EMs.
What is Electronic Strike Package?
Strike package sent directly into TTWCS (by tasking authority). Does not require EMs to manually type in missions before planning.
What is Launch Sequencing Plan?
A paper message from radio informing the ship of missions to plan only. Used for pre-planning purposes. EM must manually input missions into TTWCS in order to start planning.
What is Indigo?
A paper message from radio allowing the ship to power up missile and authorization to launch missile as tasked.
DIFAR (Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording): Passive Processing. Brevity code – Pointer
DICASS (Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System): Active Processing. Brevity code – Cadillac
DICASS (Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System): Active Processing. Brevity code – Cadillac