CIC Flashcards
Primary mission of CIC:
The organized collection of data from all sensors.
Converting gathered data into useful information for problem solving.
Utilizing the consoles, ASTABS, monitors and status boards.
Determining factors of information and usage to ship or group.
Pushing out information and tasking to all who needs or requires it.
Secondary mission of CIC:
Control and assist. Examples are navigation, SAR, and MOB
Missile Managers (MM):
Casualty control and powers up, aligns and launches missiles.
Engagement Planners (EP):
Plans missions and creates routes for missile to fly.
Global Command and Control System Maritime (GCCS-M):
Maintains non-real time common operational picture. Also used during strike scenarios to check that EP’s flight plan and over flight plan is with in parameters. We have Version 4.1 Group Level onboard.
Surface Warfare Supervisor (SWS)
Tracks, identifies surface contacts. Also determines closest point of approach of surface contacts.
Surface Warfare Coordinator (SUWC):
Overall responsible for surface tactical picture. Makes navigational recommendations to the bridge Communicates with Surface combatant commander (Z). Has the capability to engage surface tracks when necessary.
Gun Fire Control System (GFCS):
Shoots 5in/MK 45 MOD 4 Light Weight Gun Mount.
Optical Sighting System (OSS):
Primary use is battle damage assessment (BDA). Also used to ID contacts.
Computer Aided Dead Reckoning Tracer (CADRT):
Used for ASW, NGFS, MOB, and SAR.
Underwater Battery (UB)
Can shoot torpedoes from consoles (MK46 and MK 54). Assists ASWE by using Target Motion Analysis (TMA). Can get an estimate of a submarines course and speed based off of the frequencies produced by that particular sub.
Anti-Subsurface Warfare Coordinator (ASWC):
Watch station manned up during condition IIAS. Responsible for helping CIC track submarine. Subsurface warfare commander (X).
Anti-Surface/Subsurface Tactical Air Controller (ASTAC):
Controls rotary winged aircraft and P-3/P-8 for both surface and subsurface missions. Responsible for safety of aircraft and crew. ASTAC missions are ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare), SSC (Surface Surveillance Coordination), SAR (Search and Rescue), and NGFS (Naval Gun Fire Support). ASTACs onboard are OS2 Batres and OS2 Gillispie..
Air Intercept Controller (AIC):
Control fixed wing aircraft on fighter air defense nets (FAD). AIC missions are Self Escort Strike (SES), Permissive Fighter Tactics (PFT), and Non-permissive Fighter Tactics (NFT). AICs onboard are OSC (SW/AW) Rivera, OS2 Jackson.
Anti-Air Warfare Coordinator (AAWC):
Overall in charge for tactical air picture. RSC, IDS, TIC and EWS watch stations work for AAWC to identify air contacts via check print. Has the capability to engage air tracks. Air warfare commander (W).
Remote Control Station (RCS):
Shoots CIWS (MK 15 MOD 1 Baseline 1) Close in Weapons System (MT 22).
Missile System Supervisor (MSS):
Shines the illuminators on hostile tracks. Controls vent dampers and VLS. There are 3 illuminators onboard. 2 back AFT above CIWS on the stacks and 1 FWD above the bridge
Radar System Controller (RSC):
Monitors primary air search radar (SPY). SPY has 4 arrays. Max altitude 120,000ft, max search range 256nm and max tracking range 512nm. Minimum range of 1.6nm.
Identification Supervisor (IDS)
Identifies and tracks air contacts. Determines a contacts identity using modes and codes. Issues Hails/Queries/Warnings to air contacts when applicable.
Mode 1:
Mode 2:
Unit identification.
Mode 3:
Civilian aircraft
Mode C:
Mode 4:
Compromised military encrypted.
Mode 5:
New military encrypted modes more secure then mode 4.
General Emergency
Loss of Comms
Military Emergency
Surveillance Area:
The area in which we have track on a contact. Includes and surrounds the CIEA, extends to the outer limit of the warfare area.
Classification Identification Engagement Area (CIEA):
The area in which we ID a contact. Issue Hails, Queries, and Warnings to enemy contacts if necessary.
Vital Area:
The area in which a contact can engage on our ship. The warfare destruction area in which it is planned to defeat the enemy threat.
Tactical Information Coordinator (TIC):
Manages ships tactical data links.
Link 4A
Dolly (no longer used)
Link 11
Link 16
SAT 11
Black Digital (no longer used)
SAT 16
Black Timber
Spider (controlled by CSC)
Combat System Coordinator (CSC)
Overall in charge of all combat systems. Coordinates/liaison with CSOOW. Sets up doctrine and Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC).
Tactical Action Officer (TAO):
Overall in charge of CIC. Responsible for defending CHUNG-HOON, implementing operation tasking.
Voyage Management System (VMS):
Electronic chart system used for ships navigation. Receives input from the SPS-73 radar.
Radar repeater of SPS-67 and SPS-73 radar.
Primary navigation radar
Primary surface search radar
Remote Control Indicator (UPX-24)
): Uses IFF to determine modes of contacts, 12 located in CIC 1 on the bridge for 13 total. To find contacts we set the height of the search radar and configure the modes and codes if we know what the contacts modes and codes are in order to pinpoint where that contact is.
Master Operational Panel (UPX-24):
Located next to the IDS console. It sets the initial operating conditions for the UPX−24. It is used to select interrogation modes, pulse repetition rates, and RF power, and to provide alarm indication
Provides Hawk-link, secure communications with the helo. Able to receive Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) input, Doppler information from buoys, and tells us the helo’s position.
Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN):
Homing device for aircraft located on top of the mast. In CIC it’s located between AIC and ASTAC console in CIC. Provides the aircraft a bearing and range to the ship. Pro-word is Father.
Primary mission anti-ship missile defense.
Electronic Warfare Supervisor (EWS):
Correlates SLQ-32 picture with CIC. Uses Electronic Signal (ES) to help CIC determine what type of ships are around us.
Combat Information Center Watch Officer (CICWO):
Ensures proper watch standing in CIC. Coordinates events and in charge of the communication plan in CIC
Status of all ships systems i.e. fuel, food, personnel, CASREPs, medical issues, etc.
Pinnacle – Situation report that is used to report incidents that is on national-level interest to the National Military Command Center (NMCC). This message gets sent to the President.
Navy Blue – Situation report that is sent to provide the CNO of incidents that are of high Navy, as opposed to national-level, interest.
LOGREQ (logistics request):
Request message sent out before entering port to receive shore power, fresh water, cable, internet, and any other miscellaneous hotel services.
Sent out if the ship is ahead or behind 4 hours of PIM (Plan of Intended Movement) or 100NM left or right of tracks. The MOVEREP stands for movement report and the reason we do these is because of the incident with the USS Indianapolis.
Ships Signal Exploitation Space
Fire Inhibit Switch controlled by the TAO
Passive Counter Measure System
can be launched from CIC and the Pilot House
Remote Launch Engagement Panel controlled by CSC
Casualty Initial
Casualty Update
Casualty Cancel
Casualty Correction