Somatic Symptom & Related Flashcards
What is the primary motivation in factitious disorder?
To receive medical care and partake in the medical system (K&S)
2/3 of individuals with factitious disorder are which gender?
How is factitious disorder differentiated from conversion disorder?
By the voluntary production of factitious symptoms
What kind of responses typify Ganser’s syndrome?
Approximate answers to questions
Characteristics of psychogenic pain
Never waxes or wanes and not relieved even temporarily by anything
Somatic symptom disorder diagnostic criteria
Six or more months of a general & non delusional preoccupation with fears of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease - based on the misinterpretation of bodily symptoms
Typical age st onset of somatic symptom disorder
Illness anxiety disorder dsm v criteria
Preoccupation with the false belief that they have or will develop a serious disease and there are few if any signs of symptoms. Belief must persist for six months
Factitious disorder is associated with which professional group?
Healthcare - nursing (K&S)
Typical age at onset BDD
Median age 15. Range 15-30
Pseudoseizures/ non-epileptic seizures come under which category in DSM V
Conversion disorders.
Secondary gain is a key feature of factitious disorder T/F
F it is absent
Symptoms in factitious disorder are produced consciously T/F
The primary manifestation of factitious disorder has to be a physical symptom T/F
What is the natural history of conversion disorder?
Majority resolve within a month
What is the difference in gender in the prevalence of somatic symptom disorder (hypochondriasis)
Screening tools for SSD
- PHQ 15
- SSD 12
- SSS 8