Neuroscience & Neuropsychiatry Flashcards
Where in brain is the greatest concentration of dopamine receptors?
Basal ganglia- caudate nucleus
Area of brain affected by CO poisoning
Globus pallidus
Where do cell bodies in the serotonergic system originate?
Brainstem raphe nucleus
Caudates of ppl w OCD are smaller on imaging T/F
The caudate undergoes significant degeneration in Huntington’s T/F
Triphasic waves on EEG are synonymous with which pathology?
Hepatic encephalopathy
The CGG trinucleotide repeat is found in which disorder?
Fragile X
Atrophy of the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes is most likely to be due to which disorder?
there is a larger brain mass in males compared to females T/F
decreased GABA in Huntington’s chorea T/F
antihistamines may cause psychosis T/F
tardive dyskinesia can be voluntarily suppressed T/F
Association with group A Beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection is required for a diagnosis of PANDAS T/F
What is acalculia, agraphia, finger agnosia, and right-left disorientation called and what is it caused by?
Gerstmann syndrome - acalculia, agraphia, finger agnosia, and right-left disorientation
- caused by a lesion in the dominant parietal lobe
Proportion of ppl with Parkinson’s disease with depression
depressive symptoms occur in approximately half of patients
with Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease is a risk factor for the development of delirium T/F
90% of ppl with REM behaviour disorder are male T/F
The following is diagnostic of what: decreased REM latency on polysomnography (<15min)
Treatment for REM sleep behaviour disorder
Clonazepam: 0.5mg-1mg 80-90% respond
+ Melan 6-15mg, lower numbers respond but worth trying first as it has better profile in terms of dependence risk
Course of REM behaviour disorder
50% convert to parkinson’s in 10 years
Delayed sleep phase disorder best treatment
Hypocretin deficiency in CSF (<110pg/mL) is one of the diagnostic criteria for narcolepsy in DSM V T/F
Which antidepressant doesn’t contribute to restless leg syndrome?
Older adults need less sleep T/F
Older adults have increased number of REM episodes T/F
T, it’s reduced REM overall and a pattern of fragmented shorter episodes of REM redistributed throughout the night
Sleep in older adults is fragmented T/F
There is a phase advance in sleep in the elderly T/F
Slow wave sleep decreases in the elderly T/F
Neurotransmitter responsible for REM sleep
The diagnosis of Narcolepsy requires one of which of the following criteria, according to DSM V?
- Cataplexy
- Hypocretin deficiency
- Nocturnal Sleep PSG showing REM latency of <=15 minutes or MSLT with mean sleep latency <=8 minutes + 2 or more sleep onset REM periods.
Huntington’s is which chromosome?
Four, Huntington gene
PANDAS is more common in boys T/F
Complex partial seizures have strongly elevated suicide risk T/F
Visuospatial deficits are seen with lesions of which hemisphere?