Psychological Therapies Flashcards
Who came up with operant conditioning
Components of DBT
DIME Distress tolerance Interpersonal effectiveness Mindfulness Emotional regulation
What does CANMAT 2016 Depression recommend for IPT in MDE?
First line (level 1) for acute and second line (level 2) for maintenance
IPT states patients relationships will impact their symptoms T/F
How does IPT differ from CBT?
- No homework
2. Focuses on link between relationships & mood rather than thoughts, feelings & behaviour
How does IPT differ from psychodynamic?
- Focus on the here & now rather than the past
- Work on changing the social environment rather than insight/ self understanding
- Not transference focused
IPT has focal areas of work rather than being open ended T/F
The four focal areas of IPT
- Grief
- Role disputes
- Role transitions
- Interpersonal deficits/ interpersonal sensitivity
In IPT the patient is given the sick role T/F
What is the interpersonal inventory in IPT?
Essentially the important ppl in a person’s life
Kohut is associated with which school of psychotherapy?
Self psychology (centres around empathy)
What are defences in structural/ego psychology?
‘An unconscious reaction pattern employed by the ego to protect itself from the anxiety that arises from psychic conflict’
Name five primitive defence mechanisms
- Denial
- Regression
- Acting out
- Projection
- Reaction formation
Name four mature defence mechanisms
- Sublimation
- Humour
- Altruism
- Anticipation
Which category of defences characterise borderline pd?
How long is the commitment for in DBT
What are the four skills taught in DBT?
- Mindfulness
- Distress tolerance
- Interpersonal effectiveness
- Emotion regulation
Ego strength is a prerequisite for psychoanalysis T/F
The four most important prerequisites for psychoanalysis according to K&S
- High motivation
- Ability to form a relationship
- Psychological mindedness and capacity for insight
- Ego strength
What is psychoanalytic psychotherapy in its broadest sense, according to K&S?
The use of insight orientated methods only (cf psychoanalysis)
What is identification?
It is a defence mechanism involving the unconscious modelling of self upon another person. Also defined as the internalisation or reproduction of behaviours observed in others. Also known as introjection
Someone who is vehemently homophobic might be demonstrating which defence to their sexual impulses?
Reaction formation
Someone who experiences humiliations at work all day but does not react comes home and shouts at his wife who hasn’t performed some task in the home, which defence mechanism is this?
Displacement. Essentially it involves a transfer of emotion. Afraid to display or experience feelings against whoever has aroused them, the person represses the feelings. Then when the opportunity arises they transfer them to a safer object and release them
A man whose self esteem is threatened by his own preoccupation with money accuses others of being gold digging, which defence mechanism is this?
Which are the primary defence mechanisms?
Repression & denial
What is regression?
Adapting one’s behaviour to earlier levels of psychosocial development
Defence mechanisms seen in phobia
Projection, avoidance, displacement
Defence mechanisms seen in hysteria (3)
Denial, projection, identification
Defence mechanisms seen in paranoia (2)
Splitting & projection
The four processes of motivational interviewing as described by Miller and Rollnich
Engaging, Focusing, Evoking, Planning
What is the operating system of the unconscious, according to Freud? And what are it’s three attributes?
Primary process. It’s attributes are
1) displacement 2) condensation 3) symbolization
Which operations contribute to dream work, according to Freud?
1) Displacement
2) Condensation
3) Symbolization
4) Secondary elaboration (secondary revision)
What is the fundamental rule of free association?
This requires pts to tell their therapists everything that comes into their head, however disagreeable or unimportant
Which therapy was created by Miller & Rolnick?
Motivational interviewing
Cotherapy is mostly used in groups treating what?
Substance misuse
Flooding works best with which types of disorder?
Specific phobias
DBT is a form of CBT T/F
DBT favours outpatient treatment even when suicide risk is high T/F
Flooding involves relaxation exercises T/F
Supportive psychotherapy emphasizes external rather than intrapsychic events T/F
Name the therapy which sets the termination date in advance
Brief focal psychotherapy. Developed at the Tavistock in the 50s. It has a circumscribed focus and the end date is set in advance. It is not suitable for grossly destructive acting out patients or ppl dependent on drugs or alcohol or ppl with a history of serious suicide attempts. Patient and therapist become deeply involved & the therapist does not remain detached.
What is the fundamental rule of psychoanalysis?
The patient agrees to be completely honest with the analyst and to tell everything without selection
What is resistance in psychoanalysis?
The prevention of unconscious ideas or feelings from being experienced consciously
Confrontation as a technique is used in supportive group therapy T/F
Group CBT is indicated for phobias and anxiety disorders T/F
Supportive group psychotherapy is indicated for crises and severe emotional disorders T/F
Group CBT utilizes catharsis T/F
F that’s psychodynamic group therapy
Group CBT is designed to provide training in methods that control symptoms T/F
Extragroup contact is encouraged in group CBT
F, only in supportive group therapy
Performing acts of kindness is a positive psychology technique T/F
DBT is a mixture of CBT and zen buddhism T/F
In social skills training insight into social skills deficits is developed in the first part of therapy
F insight is never addressed
Systematic desensitization has been used to treat stuttering T/F
What is mirror technique?
The conscious use of active listening by the therapist in psychotherapy, accompanied by reflection of the client’s affect and body language in order to stimulate a sense of empathy and to further the development of the therapeutic alliance
What is tabula rasa?
Tabula rasa is the theory that individuals are born without built-in mental content, and therefore all knowledge comes from experience or perception. Epistemological proponents of tabula rasa disagree with the doctrine of innatism, which holds that the mind is born already in possession of certain knowledge.
What is abreaction?
The concept of abreaction may have actually been initially formulated by Freud’s mentor, Josef Breuer; but it was in their joint work of 1895, Studies on Hysteria, that it was first made public to denote the fact that pent-up emotions associated with a trauma can be discharged by talking about it. They described abreaction as the full emotional and motoric response to a traumatic event necessary in adequately relieving a person of being repetitively and unpredictably assailed by the trauma’s original and unmitigated emotional intensity
What is Jacobsen’s exercise?
Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a non-pharmacological method of deep muscle relaxation, based on the premise that muscle tension is the body’s psychological response to anxiety-provoking thoughts and that muscle relaxation blocks anxiety.
The technique involves learning to monitor the tension in specific muscle groups by first tensing and then relaxing each muscle group. when this tension is released, the attention is directed towards the differences felt during tension and relaxation so that the patient learns to recognise the contrast between the states
Timelessness is a process of what kind of thinking according to Freud’s topographical model of the mind?
Primary process
What did Freud describe as the ‘royal road to the unconscious?’
In Freud’s topographical model of the mind what is the mind composed of?
The unconscious, the preconscious and the conscious
In Freud’s structural model of the mind, what is the mind composed of?
The id, the ego and the superego
What is the shadow according to Carl Jung?
Represses animal instincts
When is chain analysis used?
CBT, DBT & behavioural therapy
Communication analysis is associated with which therapy?
Interpersonal therapy
Salvador Minuchin- name the therapy
Structural family therapy
When is the focus of therapy identified in IPT?
At the beginning
Which therapy uses family mapping prominently?
Structural family therapy (Minuchin)
DBT directly targets suicidal behaviour T/F
Social rhythym therapy is an adaptation of what?
What is Prochaska associated with?
Stages of change
Behavioural activation is a time limited therapy for depression T/F
Panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy can be used to treat panic disorder T/F
What type of family therapy is triangulation associated with?
Existential Psychotherapy is based on four primary pillars, what are they?
death, isolation, freedom, meaninglessness
Weissman and Klerman first developed which therapy?
The NIMH study on psychotherapy concluded that CBT is better than IPT for severe depression T/F
F- IPT was better
CBT is first line for all anxiety disorders T/F
CBT is first line for bipolar maintenance T/F
F, it’s second line for bipolar depression & bipolar maintenance
CBTi is first line for chronic insomnia T/F
CBT for psychosis should be offered to anyone w schizophrenia who has not responded to treatment T/F
CBT for psychosis has been shown to reduce hospitalisations and relapse rates T/F
What are Yalom’s group therapeutic factors?
altruism, cohesion, universality, interpersonal learning input and output, guidance, catharsis, identification, family re-enactment, self-understanding, instillation of hope, and existential factors