Somatic Senses Flashcards
___ occur in the central nervous system (CNS) after sensory stimuli in the internal or external environment generate nerve impulses, which in turn convey information regarding the environmental change to the CNS.
Sensory receptors can be classified in a number of ways.
They can be classified by mode (e.g., ___ are sensitive to light, ___ are sensitive to certain chemicals, and ___ are sensitive to mechanical changes).
photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors
Sensory receptors can also be classified according to their location
(e.g., ___ are located in the skin, ___ are located in the muscles, and ___ are located in deeper tissues [the viscera]).
exteroceptors, proprioceptors, visceroceptors
Senses mediated by the sensory receptors of the body can be categorized into two major groups:
the somatic senses and the special senses.
The ___ involve elaborate sensory organs such as the eye or ear.
special senses
involve less elaborate sensory mechanisms, often just single receptors embedded in skin or muscle tissue.
Somatic senses
are somatic senses that are mediated by exteroceptors— sensory receptors in the skin. It includes sensitivity to touch, pressure, heat, cold, vibration, and any other stimulus felt through the skin.
Cutaneous senses
___ are thought to outnumber heat receptors.
These two types of thermoreceptors, or “temperature receptors,” are also thought to have different distribution patterns.
Cold receptors
Also known as “muscle sense,”
is the ability to sense the contraction or tension of a muscle organ.
Receptors for proprioception include stretch receptors called
muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs.
It is the conscious or subconscious awareness of changes in the external or internal environment
The 4 ways that tells that sensation happens
Sensory receptors
A change in the environment, capable of activating certain sensory neurons, must occur
A ___ must convert the stimulus to an electrical signal, which ultimately produces one or more nerve impulses if it is large enough
Sensory receptor
The nerve impulses must be ___ along a neural pathway from the sensory receptor to the brain
A region of the brain must receive and ___ the nerve impulses into a sensation
are related to sensations we feel through touch, pressure, temperature, pain, and body position.
Somatic senses
They help us interact with our environment and are crucial for daily functioning.
Somatic senses
Somatic sensation include (4 sensations).
Receptors for these sensations are located in the skin, mucous membrane, muscles, tendons, and joints.
tactile sensations, thermal sensations, pain sensations, and proprioceptive sensations
___ , free nerve endings in the epidermis and dermis, adapt to continuous stimulation.
include touch, pressure, pain, temperature, and body position, allowing us to detect and respond to various physical stimuli.
Provide direct feedback from your body, while special senses offer detailed information about your external environment.
Somatic senses
, like vision, hearing, taste, smell, and balance, are more complex and involve specific organs like the eyes, ears, tongue, and nose.
Special senses