Endocrine Glands Flashcards
Includes a number of glands that secrete regulatory chemicals called hormones into the blood for distribution throughout the body.
Endocrine glands
The ___ interact only with their target cells, cells with receptors for those particular hormones.
tiny, pea-shaped gland is located on the inferior aspect of the brain.
Pituitary gland
It is cradled in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone.
Pituitary gland
The pituitary, or ___, is actually two glands that are fused together: the anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) and the posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis).
hypophysis cerebri
single gland, located on the anterior aspect of the trachea (windpipe), near the larynx (voice box). It resembles a bow tie in that it has two lateral lobes and a narrow medial isthmus that
joins joins them in the middle.
Thyroid gland
tiny masses of tissue are embedded in the posterior surface of the thyroid. There are two superior and two
inferior ____ glands.
Parathyroid glands
pair of glands, each located on the superior surface of a kidney. Each of it resembles a cone-shaped hat on top of
a kidney. Cortical tissue is composed of three distinct regions of glandular epithelium:
Adrenal glands
Adrenal glands
– outermost region, it is just deep to the capsule organ. Here, cells are arranged in balls and loops.
Zona Glomerulosa
Adrenal glands
middle and thickest region of the cortex. The cells in this zone form rather straight rows that are perpendicular to the
gland’s surface.
Zona fasciculata
Adrenal glands
innermost zone. Cells in this region form branched rows.
Zona reticularis
both an endocrine and exocrine gland. A long, narrow mass of glandular tissue. Resembling a fish, the __ is cradled in the bend of the C-shaped duodenum.
two-lobed gland located in the anterior
mediastinum. The thymus grow until puberty and then degenerates
through adulthood.
Thymus gland
aka pineal body. Tiny structure already been identified as a nervous structure in the diencephalon of the brain. Because it
secretes several hormones, it is also considered and endocrine gland.
Pineal gland
pair of male gonads (primary sex organs) are ovoid organs in the sac-like scrotum external to the lower anterior trunk.
pair of female gonads are ovoid organs within the pelvic cavity. Each is located at the distal end of a tube leading to the uterus (womb) called a uterine (fallopian) tube.