Somatic Nervous System Flashcards
What is the nervous system?
The nervous system is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body.
What is a neuron?
Neuron is the functional unit of the nervous system.
What is a neuron composed of?
Cell body, dendrites and axon
What are the major types of neuron?
What does dendrite do?
receive information
What does exon do?
pass info to another neuron or to organ
What are the four types of neuroglial cells found in the CNS?
astrocytes, microglial cells, ependymal cells and oligodendrocytes
What do oligodendrocytes do?
make myelin sheath
What are characteristics of myelin sheath?
myelin is lipid and protein substance
secreted by Schwann cells (glial cell) around some axons
increase velocity of impulse conduction
some exons are myelinated and some aren’t
Describe peripheral nerves?
Peripheral nerves are resilient as protected by 3 layers of connective tissue coverings.
Outer layer is epineurium
Fascicle with many axons is covered in perineurium
axon covered in endoneurium and inside endoneurium is myelin sheath gap
What is a dermatome?
area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve
What is a myotome?
part of muscle supplied by a single spinal nerve
Muscle myotome ?
One muscle myotome may involve multiple spinal segments
Where is T10 landmark on body?
Where is T4 landmark on body?
How many motor neurons does a spinal nerve has?
What is a motor end plate?
neuromuscular junction where the axonal synaptic act meets muscle.
There is synaptic cleft and neurotransmitters get released.
Receptors on muscle surface
How to tell the difference between grey and white matter?
The white matter is composed of bundles of myelinated axons (few cell bodies) that connect various grey matter regions.
Gray matter is a major component of the central nervous system, consisting of neuronal cell bodies and other cells such as glia and dendrites.
What can we divide the nervous system into?
central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
What does central nervous system involve?
brain and spinal cord
What are root value of brachial plexus?
c5 to T1
What does somatic part involve?
supplying somatic muscle and skin
has motor and sensory component
What does visceral part involve?
has motor and sensory component
How do you differentiate between somatic and visceral?
Visceral (motor)- involuntary- controlled by autonomic NS
somatic (motor) - voluntary control
somatic (sensory)- pain / touch / temperature / proprioception etc skin
What does somatic motor fibre do?
regulates voluntary control of body movements via skeletal muscles.
What does somatic sensory fibre do?
transmits general sensation (pain, touch, temperature, proprioception etc.) to the CNS.
What plexus is formed by spinal nerve?
brachial plexus
Where does brachial plexus supply?
upper limb
What plexus does spinal nerve form?
lumbosacral plexus
-formed from ventral ramii
Lumbar sacral plexus root value?
L1 to S4
What is dorsal root ganglia made up off?
cell bodies
Implication of ventral root damaged?
motor functions
Implication of dorsal root damaged?
sensory loss
What function would be lost at spinal nerve level?
both - motor and sensory loss
Implications of damage to ventral ramus?
motor and sensory loss of anterolateral trunk and limbs (plexus supplies limb and made from ventral ramus)
Implications of damage to dorsal ramus?
motor and sensory loss of the back.
What fibres does spinal nerve also carry?
Sympathetic fibres
Describe the spinal nerve?
short in length
Spinal nerve exits through intervertebral foramen.
What is back pain caused by?
spinal nerve compression
What is a somatic reflex?
Due to sensory stimuli , emotional response is produced in our body automatically
Describe somatic reflex arc?
starts with receptors in skin
sensory neuron to interneuron to motor neuron
then action
What happens if radial nerve is damaged?
back of arm and forearm muscles are supplied by radial nerve
they are extensors of elbow and wrist
How does paralysis (loss of movement) or weakness of the affected muscles come about?
Damage to lower motor neuron cell bodies or their peripheral axons
Where do upper and lower motor neurons synapse?
anterior horn
Why would there be an inability to lift wrist or fingers?
radial nerve injury ,extensor weakness
How to diagnose loss of function?
nerve damage- combine with muscle and consequence of joint