Sociological Theories Flashcards
What is a theory?
systematic way of seeing the world
ex. a thief sees what is of value
What is macro?
studies how social structures affect society
What is micro?
focuses on individuals or small groups and their social experiences
What is structural functionalism? /6
macro level
society is a stable system made up of institutions
institutions are organizations that fulfill a social need
exist because they serve a function
ask: “What is the purpose?”
What is conflict theory? /5
macro level
conflict and inequality originate from struggles between groups for property, power/prestige
social structures exist because they benefit a particular group
inequality = justified with a set of cultural beliefs and values = justify a social system
ask: “Who benefits”
What is symbolic interactionism? /6
micro level
focuses on small groups and 1v1 person interaction (communication)
reality is socially constructed
use impression management to change how people see us (symbolism)
situations defined as real are real in their consequences (Thomas Theorem)
ask: “What does it mean?”
What is the feminist theory? /6
macro and micro level
focuses on gender and other social statuses affect social experiences
gender roles are socially created and influence personal experience
gender socialization is how we learn those roles
social system is patriarchal (benefits men)
ask: “What are the gender issues?”