Social Structure & Interaction Flashcards
What is a social structure? /5
stable pattern of relationships that exits within a particular group or society
connects the individual to the larger society
defined by culture
learned through socialization
macro theories
What is the relationship between macro theories and social structure? /2
focus on the structure
start with the assumption that an individual’s group membership will determine their behavior
What are the components of social structure? /8
social class
social institutions
What is social class? /2
differentiates and ranks groups of people
based on income, wealth, education, and occupation
What are social institutions?
complex systems of roles organized around a central activity or social need
What is status?
socially defined position characterized by certain expectations, rights, and duties
What is a status set?
all the statuses that a person occupies at a given time
What is ascribed status? /3
status given at birth
received involuntarily later in life; individual has no control
can have a significant influence on the achieved statuses we attain
ex. ethnicity, sex, disability
What is achieved status? /2
status assumed voluntarily as a result of personal choice, merit, or direct effort
ex. education, occupation, marriage
What are status symbols? /2
material signs that inform others of a person’s specific status
not necessarily associated with prestige
ex. wedding ring, vaccine passport, hijab
What is a role? /3
set of behavioral expectations associated with a given status
based on a range of acceptable behavior
occupy a status = play a role
What is a role expectation?
society’s definition of how a role should be played
ex. student = go to class
What is a role performance? /2
how the person actually plays the role
when far from the expectation, it’s deviance
What is a role conflict?
when two or more statuses place incompatible demands on the person
ex. mother and manager - when child is sick on the day of an important meeting, female athletes
What is role strain?
incompatible demands built into a single status that a person occupies
ex. unhappy marriage