Social PSY References Flashcards
Social Psychology Text
Fiske, 2014
Phenomenal description -
the situation - our interpretive lens - our experience
Brunswick, 1952
Social brain hypothesis - increases in brain volume due to social life
Adolphs, 2009
Evolutionary psychology - focus on inherited design of mind - functions that improved our ancestor’s success in passing on genes
Buss, 2005
Key in life is people’s ability to survive in groups
Caporael, 1997
People who are more socially integrated survive better
House et al., 1998
Social ties correlates to subjective well-being
Baumeister, 1991
Personal exclusion from important social groups correlates with anxiety and depression
Baumeister, 1990
Problems with poor social networks = more likely to kill self
Berkman, 2000
Sociomotor hypothesis - person’s self-esteem depends on their assessment of their degree of personal acceptance by others
Leary et al., 1995
Primed the anti-littering norm + other norms at varying proximity
Cialdini et al., 1991
Attribution is better than persuasion in behavioral change
Miller et al., 1975
impact of minority influence
Wood et al., 1994
line judgements
Asch, 1955
Normative influence
Turner, 1995
Social influence - influence of group on light estimates study
Sherif, 1935
Football study - wearing apparel
Thorne et al., 1976
mere exposure effect - increased evals after repeated exposure
Zajonc, 1968
information processing stages
exposure - attention - comprehension
McGuire, 1969
(Dual Processing Model)
Heiristic - Systematic model
Chaiken, 1980
(Dual Process Model)
Elaboration Likelihood model
Petty, 1981
2 distinct routes to persuasion (central/peripheral)
Petty et al., 1983
Fundamental attribution error - tendency to explain others behavior in terms of personality and not so much in terms of situation
Lee Ross, 1977
Correspondance Bias - tendency to see behavior as corresponding to dispositions
Jones, 1990
Normative model of attribution - Covariation Theory - people infer action by looking at the covariation of behavior and its potential causes ( consensus & distinctiveness)
Kelly, 1967
Correspondent Influence Theory - how do people infer that the action corresponds to an intent - people attribute that someone’s behavior reveals an underlying disposition
Jones, 1965
Attribution Theory - dispositional v. situational causes
Heider, 1958
Obedience - shock study
Milgram, 1964
descriptive v. injunctive norm - littering study
Reno et al., 1993
Recycling study - impact of normative influence on recycling behavior
Schultz, 1999
Self perception theory - people infer their own internal states
Bem, 1972
Social facilitation - people do work faster in the presence of others when they have a well-practiced or dominant response
Zajonc, 1965
Productivity loss results from matching the performance of the least productive member
Paulus, 1993
Social loafing - loss of motivation and effort in group tasks
Latane et al., 1979
social facilitation - earliest study - children reeling
Triplett, 1898
Groupthink - failure to consider all available and relevant information when making a decision within groups
Janis, 1972
Tragedy of the commons
Hardin, 1968
De-individuation - people do not act as individuals - inner restraints against counter normative behavior fall away - leading to mob behavior
Festinger et al., 1952
Theory of crowd behavior - collective mind took over when people in crowd become anonymous / highly influenced
Lebon, 1895
Prison study
Zimbardo, 1973
Ultimate Attribution error - people tend to view good actions as intrinsic to the in-group / bad actions as meaningless (product of situation)
Pettigrew, 1979
Cognitive miser - describes how people conserve their scarce mental resources + cut corners when trying to make sense of others
Fiske, 1984
Stereotypes - gun study (community v. police)
Correll et al., 2007
Study - chronic beliefs about vulnerability is associated with activation of stereotypes - difference in lighting
Schaller et al., 2015
Media violence & aggression
Anderson et al., 2010
Weapons effect - weapons cue more aggressive behavior than would otherwise occur
Berkowitz, 1993
Prize fighting + increase in aggression and homicides
Phillips, 1983
functional distance and friendship
Festinger et al., 1950
complimentary principal - people prefer similar others
Reis, 1998
People like others who like them (reciprocity)
Kenny, 1994
playing hard to get study
Walsler et al., 1973
love has 3 components (intimacy, passion, commitment)
Sternburg, 1986
Rating of females after priming
Kenrick, 1980
Use of pronoun we = perceptions of closeness
Kay, 2015
importance of self-esteem in selecting romantic partners
Kieser, 1970
influence of “I” sharing
Pinel et al., 2006
plotting points - priming with distance - emotional closeness
Bargh, 2008
Study - 3 different stories - more likely to help if primed with norm closest to helping
Harvey, 1981
helping others is a motivational conflict
Dewall et al., 2008
helping others study - in a hurry ? / primed with parable of good samaritan
Batson, 1973
Piliavin, 1990
Prosocial behavior
Schroeder et al., 1995