Research Methods Flashcards
characteristic that takes on different values or conditions for different individuals (score on each item may be different)
variable (Jurs, 2009)
characteristics of a good research question - name them
feasible interesting novel relevant (Cummings et al., 1998)
extent to which results can be interpreted accurately - with no plausible alternative explanation
internal validity
extend to which results can be generalized to populations, situations, and conditions
external validity
the internal validity of survey research depends on what
rigor of the instrument - concepts one sets out to measure are actually measured and completely (Wiersma, 2012)
the external validity of survey research depends on what
response rate
completeness of data
random selection helps improve external validity
name the two types on non-probability sampling (Bryman, 1994) used in my study
purposive- members of a particular group are purposively sought
convenience- selection based on availability
The Tuskeegee study had how many black men
Robbers Cave - the introduction of ____ goals leads to cohesiveness
Name the 3 elements of the Belmont Report (1979)
Respect for Persons
What are the 5 approaches to qualitative research - name them
narrative phenomenology grounded theory ethnography case study
type of qualitative research
- small sample - collection and analysis of stories people have to tell
- analysis involves recording of data into a chronological story
EX. Oral history - gathering personal experiences about an event / situation
Narrative Research
type of qualitative research - uncover the essence of lived experience - seek to suspend judgment - only meaning is based on how people experience something
methodology is mostly interview - analysis is thematic in nature
Phenomenological research
qualitative research type - builds upon a thematic structure of experience into a theoretical explanation - Focus is typically on some process or action - any explanation must be grounded in the data-
Data collection involves a combination of methods - not a one shot solution
analysis involves repeated researcher memoing
grounded theory research
qualitative research approach - empirical investigation of an aspect of culture - shared meaning, social norms, shared patterns of behavior
focus on a group having a common cultural experience - focus commonly on some social behavior
methodology - extended observations
EX> Critical ____ - advocating for a cultural group
Ethnographic research
qualitative research type - studying a particular case within context - in-depth inquiry - collection of multiple sources
employs triangulation of data
EX. Instrumental ____ ____ - goal of understanding some phenomena of interest
Cast Study Research
name the 4 elements of establishing trustworthiness in qualitative research, as suggested by Lincoln & Guba, 1985
confidence in the “truth” of the findings
believability of the study
analogous to internal validity
showing that the findings have applicability in other contexts
analogous to external validity
showing that the findings are consistent and repeatable
similar to reliability
extent to which the findings of a study are shaped by the respondents = not researcher bias, motivation, or interest
technique for establishing credibility - spending sufficient time in the field - long enough to detect and account for distortions that might be in the data
prolonged engagement
technique for establishing credibility - purpose is to identify those characteristics and elements in the situation that are most relevant to the problem or issue
persistent observation
Patton (1999) identified 4 types of triangulation - name them
methods - different data collection methods
sources - different points in time or public v. private setting
analyst - multiple analyst
Theory - multiple theories
Triangulation is a technique for establishing _____
technique for establishing credibility - exposing ones research to a disinterested peer or someone without knowledge of the research
peer debriefing
technique for credibility - searching for and discussing elements of the data that do not support or appear to contradict patterns or explanations
negative case analysis
technique for credibility - data, analysis, interpretations, and conclusions are tested with members of the groups
member checking
Name the 6 techniques for establishing credibility in a study
prolonged engagement persistent observation peer debriefing member checking Negative case analysis triangulation
technique for establishing transferability - detailed account of field experiences - description in sufficient detail - detailed account of your research and outcome
thick description
name the 1 technique for establishing transferability
thick description
technique for establishing dependability - having a researcher not involved examine both the process and product of the research to evaluate the accuracy and whether or not the findings are supported by the data
inquiry audit
name the one technique for establishing dependability
inquiry audit
technique for establishing confirmability - transparent description of the research steps taken - providing a clear description of research paths
audit trail
technique for establishing confirmability - thoughts about how the research process is impacting the researcher
reflexivity - reflexive journal
name the 2 techniques for establishing confirmability
audit trail
reflexive journal
research strategy using completely separate groups - involves separate and independent samples and makes a comparison
between group design
goal of between subjects research is to evaluate the ____ difference between ___ groups
mean ; 2
_____ _____ research typically involves measuring the DV repeatedly over time and changing conditions
single subject
Repeated measures =
within subjects design
in a _____ _____ study, each individual is measured in two different treatment conditions - 2 separate scores are obtained for each individual
within subjects
the main advantage of an ______ is that it can be used to compare two or more treatments
In the context of ANOVA, a ____ is called a factor
For _____, we want to compare differences among two or more sample means
A ______ contains more than one DV
______ analysis is used for estimating the relationships among variables
The focus of ______ ______ is on the relationship between a DV and one or more IV (predictors)
regression analysis
______ _______ allows you to examine how multiple IV’s are related to a DV - the variance accounted for - introducing more predictor variables also for accounting of more variance
multiple regression
Single case designs are a class of _______ methodology
what is the most common feature of SCD
baseline logic
1st stage of baseline logic
prediction statement
2nd stage of baseline logic
affirmation of the consequent
3rd stage of baseline logic
4th (final) stage of baseline logic
replication by affirmation of the consequent
In an AB design, A refers to _____; B refers to _____
baseline ; intervention
In ABA design, the second A refers to ____
In ABAB design, the second B refers to _____
In a ____ _____ design, replication is accomplished across participants - series of AB designs
multiple baseline
A comparison of 2 interventions or more with a final return to baseline is referred to ______ treatment
____ formats are the most effective and efficient means of determining effectiveness
traditional visual analysis includes examining what (4)
all of the aspects of visual analysis must be considered as a _____ rather than in isolation
computed by subtracting the mean of the baseline from the mean of the intervention data and dividing by the SD of baseline
no-assumptions effects size (NAES)
a mean NAES of ____ or greater for interventions is considered effective
2.87 (Burns, 2008)
in this form of effect size calculation, the most extreme baseline data point is identified and a line from that point is drawn through the intervention data - the number of points above/below is divided by the total number of intervention points
Percentage of non overlapping data (PND)
The recommended PND for a large effect is at least ___%
80% (Scruggs, 1998)
Effect size calculation where a trend line is added
R squared
When adding a trend line, by displaying R2 on the graph, the recommendation for a large effect size is ____ or higher