A/B Testing
A/B Testing or split testing is one of the basic social media tests to identify what marketing strategy works for your brand or service. The testing compares two variants on your social media posts to measure which one drives more conversions. For example, you can run A/B testing on Instagram content-type: photo content v/s video content to determine the best strategy to convert consumers into customers.
An algorithm is a mathematical system used to solve problems and deliver results. In social media, an algorithm refers to a set of rules that help search engines to rank, filter, and organize search results and advertisements. Marketers are constantly vying to beat social media algorithms to improve their rank in social media ads and content placement.
A chatbot is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that simulates human-like interactions with customers via text messages or text-to-speech in social messaging apps.
Conversion Rate
This is one of the important social media marketing terms. Conversion Rate in social media terminology refers to the percentage of users who follow through a social post or ad’s call to action. This can be a download, purchase, or some other desired action depending upon the marketer’s conversion goal. Conversion rate is one of the top indicators of a company’s marketing strategy performance.
Crowdsourcing means gathering a large group of social media users to generate ideas, services, or content for a brand or campaign.
Dark Post
A dark post is a targeted social media ad that doesn’t show on the advertiser’s timeline. They only appear in the feeds of target users.
Engagement Rate
Engagement rate is a metric that tells how much interaction a social media content earns from followers. It is calculated as the percentage of users who engaged with your post of the total number who viewed it. A good engagement rate (1-4%) indicates an effective social media marketing campaign.
Ephemeral Content
Ephemeral content refers to social media content that disappears after a specific period of time.
A social media feed is among the generic social media marketing terms used to stream content you see from various social media accounts. It is a wall-like layout that displays all your brand’s content from different social media platforms.
A unique public username used on social media accounts is referred to as ‘handle’; like in Twitter, a handle refers to the username followed by an @ symbol.
Impressions are the number of times your content has been shown on the feeds of social media users. A viewer doesn’t need to engage with a post in order for it to be counted as an impression.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
A numeric unit used to measure the progress of your social marketing strategies and campaign goals. KPIs are frequently used to track progress in brand awareness, lead generation, sales conversions, etc.
Live streaming
Social media live streaming is a way of using eye-catching content to reach your audience on channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter in real-time. Live streaming helps boost your brand’s positioning in the news feed algorithms of channels.
In the social media context, the meme is a text, video, or images that is spread through social media platforms, especially for humorous purposes. Memes go viral, and users get in by creating their own variations and sharing them.
Sometimes, brands capitalize on the latest memes to engage and connect with younger audiences, but you need more than a healthy sense of humor to pull off meme marketing.
Share refers to how many times a piece of content has been reposted on social media. There is a clickable ‘share’ feature on social media platforms that allows you to repost other user’s content to your own timeline or newsfeed.
Shareable content or content that is useful, entertaining, and inspiring is more likely to get shared by users on social media.