Social Influence: Groups & Norms Flashcards
What is meant by Social Norm?
generally accepted way of thinking, feeling, behaving in a social group
What is the difference between a descriptive and a injunctive/prescriptive social norm?
What are the functions of Social Norms?
- Regulate behavior, emotion, cognition in groups of individuals
- Define relationship between individual and their environment
- Provide shared reality (shared interpretations of situations)
- Provide social identity
What is meant by Conformity?
convergence of individual to group norm (thoughts, feelings, behaviors)
Between what types of conformity can you differentiate?
- private and
- public
What is meant by private conformity?
acceptance of group norm as own,
use as personal standard
* based on informational influence
What is meant by public conformity?
- open behavior conforms to norm without acceptance, result of group pressure (real or imagined)
- open behavior adaptation based on perceived consensus
- based on normative influence
Asch‘s paradigm
What influences conformity?
- Group size
- Salience of social group
- Visibilty of own response
- Independence of group responses
- Unanimity (Einstimmigkeit) of group responses
- Social support (ally)
- Culture … but don‘t simplify cultural differences (!)
Why do we bahave in a conform way?
- Mastery
- Connectedness
Why do we bahave in a conform way?
Explain Mastery
Why do we bahave in a conform way?
Explain Connectedness
Conformity: WHY?
Mastery is based on informational influence. But when do we take informational influence?
- Mostly with analytical, cognitive tasks/problems
- with verifiably correct solution
- (intellective tasks, focus on facts, information)
Conformity: WHY?
Connectedness is based on normative influence. But when do we take normative influence?
- Mostly with decisions in relation to norms/values
- without objectively verifiable correct solution
- (judgmental tasks, focus on values)
Invalid consensus can be equally influential. When for example?
When processed without consideration
apparent consensus might not exist (e.g., canned laughter in sitcoms) -
When formed without independence
ingroup ‘contamination’ or external rewards (e.g., consumer group evaluations) -
When ‘expressed’ without acceptance
public conformity indistinguishable from real consensus (e.g., pluralistic ignorance)
When ‘expressed’ without acceptance
Give an example for pluralistic ignorance
For what type of conformity is the “Foot in the door- technique (persuasion)” an example?
Public-without-Private Conformity
What is the foot in the door- technique (persuasion)?
When does the “Foot in the door- technique (persuasion)” works best?
What is the Low balling-technique?
Compliance more likely if costs are revealed only after securing initial agreement
What is meant by Social Commitment as a Norm?
Social Contracts: honor interpersonal commitments
* keep promises, fulfill obligations, stand by agreements, etc.
* allows intragroup-trust, long-lasting planning, effective group functioning
For what type of conformity is the “The-Door-in-the-face technique” an example?
Public-without-Private Conformity
What is For what type of conformity is the “The-Door-in-the-face technique”?
The-Door-in-the-face technique
Explain the study of Cialdini et al., 1975; Genschow et al., 2020
When does the The-Door-in-the-face technique works?
- Initial request large enough to be refused
- Target given a chance to compromise for refusal by complying with second request
- 2nd request related to first & from same person (appear as personal concession)
What norm is The-Door-in-the-face technique based on?
norm of reciprocity
What is meant by Social Reciprocity?
Return favors, goods, services – even when unsolicited (unaufgefordert)
Return favors, goods, services – even when unsolicited
Expalain the Exemplar Experiment (Regan, 1971):
In order to influence behavior, a norm needs to be?
- known (available)
- accessible
- activated
Norm Activation
What is the problem with Deliberate Reminders of norms?
- Priming effects may have paradoxical consequences
- Reactance: negative response to perceived limitation of individual freedom
- Norm adherence needs supervision & sanction