Attitudes: Formation & Change Flashcards
Explain the Tripartite Model of Attitude Structure
- Affect: feelings/emotions aroused in response to attitude object
- Behavior: past, present, future interaction with attitude object
- Cognition: knowledge & believes about attitude object
Explain the one- and two. dimensional view on Attitude structure
Attitude Structure
Explain the File Drawer Model
Attitude Structure
Explain the Temporary Construction
Name five indicators of attitude strength
- Extremity
- Certainty
- (lack of) Ambivalence
- Accessibility
- Personal relevance / importance
Name four effects of attitude strength
- Stability (over time, across situations)
- Resistant to persuasion attempts
- Influential on information processing (attention)
- Influential on behavior
Attitude Functions
Name the two Mastery Functions
Attitude Functions
Name the five Self-Esteem & Connectedness Functions
What is Bona fide?
pseudo-physiological ‘measures’
Attitude Formation
What did Zajonc, 1968
found with Mere Exposure?
Desto öfter die Zeichen gezeigt wurden, desto eher gefielen sie den Menschen
Explain the Information Processing Model (McGuire, 1969/1985)
Explain the Cognitive Response Model (Greenwald, 1968)
Describe the Elaboration Likelihood Model from Petty & Cacioppo (1986)
Elaboration Likelihood Model
Likelihood of Elaboration depends on Perceiver-Characteristics. Which two main characteristics?
- Processing Motivation
- Processing Ability
What is meant by Processing Motivation?