Social Influence Flashcards
Social Influence
Process whereby attitudes and behavior are influenced by the real or implied presence of other people
Superficial, public and transitory change in behavior and expressed attitudes in response to requests, coercion or group pressure
-> negative reference group has enormous power to produce compliance
Reference group
Kelley term of a group that is psychologically significant for our behavior and attitudes. We seek to behave in accordance with norms (positive) or in opposition to their norms (negative)
- > positive reference group is a source of conformity
Tendency to change our behavior/beliefs in ways that are consistent with group norms
Dual process dependency model
general model of social influence in which two separate processes operate; dependency of others for social approval and for information about reality
- people are influenced by either informational or normative factors
they are dependent on others because
(1) Information that removes ambiguity and establishes subjective validity or
(2) reasons for social approval and acceptance
Five bases of social power
1 Reward power
2 Coercive power ( ability to give punishment for non- compliance)
3 Informational power
4 Expert power
5 Legitimate Power
6 Referent power ( identification with/ attraction to or respect for the source of power)
Agentic state
a frame of mind thought by Milgram to characterize unquestioning obedience, in which ppl as agents transfer personal responsibility to the person giving orders
Immediacy of the victim
how close or obvious the victim is to the participant
Immediacy of the authority figure
how close or obvious the authority figure is to the participant
Legitimacy of authority figure
mere emblems of authority create unquestioning obedience
deep seated, private and enduring change in behavior and attitudes due to group pressure
Frame of reference/ Relevant Social Comparative Context
Complete range of subjectively conceivable positions on some attidudinal behavioral dimensions, which relevant ppl can occupy in a particular context
personal attributes that predispose people to confirm
1 low self-esteem
2 high need for social support / approval
3 need for self control
4 low IQ
5 high anxiety, feelings of blame and insecurity in group
Gender difference conformity
women conform slightly more , women conform more on masculine tasks and vice versa
Speaking from ignorance effect
a layperson is invited by a group of experts to offer an opinion
Informational Influence
we need to feel confident that our beliefs, perception and feelings are correct
- it affect as when we are uncertain ( e.g. because of social disagreement)
Normative Influence
affects us when we believe that the group has power and ability to reward or punish -> to believe this we need to believe that we are under surveillance of the group
-> to gain social approvsl and to avoid disapproval
Referent Informational Influence
Pressure to conform to a group norm that defines oneself as a group member ( conform with group we belong to)
three things that make people conform
1 informational influence
2 normative influence
3 ingroup belonging and have the same norms
Minority Influence
Social influence processes whereby numerical or power minorities change the attitudes of the majority
Conformity bias
tendency for social psychology to treat group influences as a one way process in which individuals or minorities always confirm to majorities
-> because they are dependent on them for normative / informative reasons
three ways of how people respond to social conflict within a group :
- Conformity
- Normalization
- Innovation
Conformity: majority influence in which majority persuades minority or deviates to adopt the majority viewpoint
Normalization : mutual compromise leading to convergence ( Annäherung)
Innovation : minority creates and accentuates conflict in order to persuade the majority to adopt the minority viewpoint
Conversion effect
when minority influence brings about a sudden and dramatic internal and private change in the attitudes of the majority
Social Impact Theory
the effect that other people have on our attitudes and behavior, usually as a consequence of factors such as group size, and temporal and physical immediacy
Norms and reasons why we follow them
• Norms: Accepted ways of thinking, feeling, behaving
• Why do we follow norms? – Make life easier
– Rewards for following norms
– Internalization of norms
three different kinds of norms
A. Norm of reciprocity
– When someone provides you with a benefit, it is appropriate for you to return the favor
• B. Norm of social commitment
– Keeping our promises and honoring our commitments
• C. Conforming to group norms
– Tendency to follow attitudes and behavior of the group
Facors Affecting Minority Influence
- Consistency
- Investment
- Self-interest
- Ingroup vs outgroup members
- Flexibility
Compliance versus Conversion
• Majority influence:
– Compliance (direct influence)
• Minority influence:
– Conversion (indirect influence)