Attraction and Close Relationships Flashcards
The role of our genes
- fertility status
- seeing red
- the hourglass figure
averageness effect
humans prefer average faces to those with unusual or distinctive features (like a prototype)
ideal partner dimensions
characteristics that make up the ideal partner
What increases liking?
1 Proximity / Nähe
2 Familiarity / do we feel like we know them?
3 Similarity / are they ppl who are like us?
assortive matching
a non random coupling of individuals based on their resembles to each other on one or more characteristic
the sharing of intimate information and feelings with another person
disclosure reciprocity
play an important role in building trust
a reinforcement approach
we like ppl who reward us and we dislike ppl who punish us
reinforcement- affect model
model of attraction which postulates that we like ppl who are around us when we receive a positive feeling
automatic activation
according to Fazio, attitudes that have a strong evaluative link to situational cues are more likely to automatically come to mind from memory
Social Exchange (Homans)
ppl often use a form of everyday economics when they weigh up costs and rewards before deciding what to do
cost-reward ratio
calculating what it will cost be reinforced by that other person
minimax strategy
in relating to others, we try to minimize the costs and maximize the rewards
Comparison level
a standard that develops over time, allowing us to judge whether a new relationship is profitable or not
Equity Theory
special case of social exchange theory that defines a relationship as equitable when the ratio of inputs to outcomes are seen to be the same by both partners
Distributive Justice
fairness of the outcome of a decision
procedural justice
fairness of the procedures used to make a decision
women and men preferences
women prefer equality and men equity
need to affiliate
the urgue to form connections and to make contact with other ppl
social comparison theory
comparing our behavior with those of others n order to establish the correct or socially approved way of thinking and behaving
a state of apathy and depression noted amongst instituionalized infants deprived of close contact with caregiver
attachment behavior
tendency of an infant to maintain close physical proximity with the mother or primary caregiver
campionate love
caring and affection for another person that usually arises from sharing time together
Three- Factor Theory of Love
Hatfield and Walster distinguished three components of what we label love, cultural concept of love, appropiate person to love and an emotional arousal
Consummate Love
Sternberg argues that this is the ultimate form of love, involving passion, intimacy and commitment
Social Support Network
ppl who know and care about us and who can provide back up during a time of stress
Relationship Dissolution Model
Ducks proposal of the sequence through which most longterm relationships proceed if they finally break down - > intrapsychic phase dydadic phase social phase grave-dressing phase