Intergroup Behavior Flashcards
Intergroup Behavior defintion
behavior amongst individuals that is regulated by those individuals awareness of and identification with different social groups
Relative deprivation
a sense of having less than we feel entitled to
Evaluative preferences for all aspects of our own group relative to other groups
Superordinate goals
goals that both groups desire but that can only be achieved by both groups cooperating
Realistic Conflict Theory
Sherifs theory
he theory explains how intergroup hostility can arise as a result of conflicting goals and competition over limited resources, and it also offers an explanation for the feelings of prejudice and discrimination toward the outgroup that accompany the intergroup hostility
Prisoners Dilemma
Two person game in which both parties are torn between competition and depending on mutual choices, both can win or both can loose
Commons Dilemma
social dilemma in which cooperation by all benefits all, but competition by all, harms all
Social categorization
classification of ppl as member of different social groups
Ingroup favouritism
Behavior that favors ones own group over other groups
Meta contrast principle
- refers to prototype of a group
- describes the person that has the most similarities with the prototype and or the most differences to outgrip members
the property of a group that makes it seem as a coherent, distinct and unitary entity
Social Identity Theory
theory of group membership and intergroup relations based on self categorization , social comparison and the construction of a shared self-definition in terms of in-group-defining properties
the perception and treatment of self and others not as unique individual person but as prototypical embodiments of a social group
Social moblity belief system
Belief that intergroup boundaries are permeable (durchlässig) . Thus it is possible for someone to pass from a lower status into a higher status group to improve their social identity
Social change belief system
belief that intergroup boundaries are impermeable . Therefor e a lower status individual can improve social identity only by challenging the legitimacy of the higher stats groups position
Emergent Norm Theory
collective behavior is regulated by norms based on distinctive behavior that arises in the initially norms crowd
Extended contact
knowing about an in-group member who shares a close relationship with an outgrip member can improvw ones own attitude towards the outgroup
process of intergroup conflict resolution where representatives reach agreement through direct negotiation (Verhandlung
process of intergroup conflict resolution where a neutral third party intervenes in the negotiation process to facilitate a settlement
Zero sum conflict
one in which ones group gains are precisely the other groups losses
Non zero sum conflict
one in which both groups can gain
Arbitration ( Schiedsgerichtbarkeits)
Process of intergroup conflict resolution in which a neutral third party invited to impose a mutually binding settlement
Conciliation( Vermittlung)
process whereby groups make cooperative gestures to one another in hope of avoiding an escalation of conflict