Social Developments: Push and Pull Factors for Immigration to the USA Flashcards
Where did most Immigrants come from in the early 19th century?
What specific group of Europeans came in the first half of the 19th century and why?
The “Fourty-eighters” came to America in 1848-9 because they failed to start a Revolution in Europe
Where did most German Immigrants settle?
In rural areas
How many Immigrants came to the USA from 1860-90?
10 million
How many Immigrants came in 1871-80 and 1881-90?
In 1871-80 over 2.8 million, in 1881-90, over 5.2 million
What 2 types of factors were there to influence if people would come to the USA or not?
Push and Pull factors
What was a pull factor in terms of the size of America? What added on to this?
There was a large availability of land in America, added on with the 1862 Homestead Act
What did many Immigrants believe about how they would be treated in America? Why?
They believed they would not face persecution, as it was ‘The land of the Free’
How did America react to immigration from 1800-80?
They mostly supported it
Give an example of a state that supported Immigration and what they published. When was this published?
The Empire State of the North-West was published, saying Minnesota could hold 5 million people. Published in 1878
What was a push factor, especially for Jews in Russia?
They were experiencing a physical and cultural genocide
By what factor did the Jewish population in the USA go up from 1880-1900?
It went up by a factor of 18
What was happening in Europe as a push factor?
There was lots of religious and economic discontent
How large was the scale of German immigration from 1854-90?
There were only 3 years in this 40 year period where Germans did not make up the largest amount of Immigrants coming to the USA in these years