social construction of tech Flashcards
when does death occur?
tech advancing, change in distinguishing how ppl move towards death.
cardiac vs brain death. are organ donors dead?
hassan rasouli story
brain damage as result of infection following surgery
in persistent vegetative state - docs say wanna withdraw life support.
what is PVS
an intermediate step between life + brain death
- body capable of growth/development + absence of response to stimuli
define brain death?
entails loss of awareness, lack of reflexes, absence of response to stimuli
Hassan rasouli - family perspective
belief that Hassan was recovering + would soon gain consciousness.
- removing life support violates religious beliefs.
Hassan Rasouli - doc’s perspective
medical futility
= constrain cost of HC
what is medical futility?
high work demands,
inadequate staffing, poor work morale/low social support, work-life balance (manned 24 hrs a day, out of sync with family)
Hassan Rasouli case - who decides?
fam takes to court. SC. still going.
SC decision
Family wins = doctors do not have unilateral right to overrule - in this case circumvented “care + capacity boards” to to do their own thing.
- Hassan showed signs of responding inconsistently to stimuli - upgrade status to minimally conscious.
- prognosis uncertain
ambiguity of PVS - explain
PVS -> brain death.
systematically + meaningfully respond to stimuli. ambiguous + subjective
-> emotional, consequential decision. cost of care is high
the right to die - margot bentley
former nurse. diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
- Margot had living will: life support withdrawn when reaches advanced stage.
- entered nursing home + not let go at PVS state. difficult to know if responses are meaningful or arbitrary
Margot - family perspective
staff feed her despite wishes to cease + allow her to die.
- feeding is reflex, margot isnt there.
- right to die respected
Margot - nursing home perspective
food isnt treatment. patient accept food confirms by their actions that they want to eat.
- concern that if fail to provide = negligence. legally responsible/liable.
similarity btw Margot + Hassan cases
ambiguity over PVS (interpretation - random or intentional. tech measure, not meaningful)
who gets to decide?
Bill C-14
prohibition against physician-assisted dying violated rights of competent adults who are suffering intolerably as result of grievous and irremediable medical condition; infringement of the rights of an individual and not justified
= right to decide what happens to them as they approach death
=tech can prolong life + suffering. who can say what happens? doc or patient? doc wants power, patient wants choise
conditions under which physician-assisted death is permitted
- suffering grievous and irremediable medical condition + death must be “reasonably foreseeable” (ambiguous)
- mentally competent and capable of making decisions at moment service is provide
how many physician-assisted in Canada?
4000 since law came into effect
1.1% of all deaths
why is PAD controversial?
restrictive - 1/6 requested get approved (need more efficiently + responsibly; consent on day of. know + understand consequence)
- under 18 not eligible (is 17yoa too young to understand death?)
- suffering with mental illness not eligible (treatment dont work, request PAD - claim turned down)
Adam Clayton-Meier
various mental disorders
- anxiety, OCD, various personality disorders = never cured. no longer wanted to live. rejected from PAD.
committed suicide in 2017
issues with mental disorder + PAD?
appropriate to allow ppl to get medical assistance when cant obtain medial assistance for treatment?
- belgium + netherlands permit mental illness + PAD