body + pursuit of health Flashcards
malleable bodies - in terms of health?
transform body; medical advances make this easier.
transformations = problematic for nature + boundaries of our bodies
define transhumanism
belief/theory that human race can + should evolve beyond current physical and mental limitations, esp by means of science + tech.
transhumanism = consequences of “evolving” with techn
“posthuman” beings; indefinite lifespan, greater intellectual faculties + ability to control emotions
-> implications for overpopln; retirement age + progression of life w increased lifespan.
what is bioconservatism
human enhancement tech might have harmful consequences.
- > post-human = threat to “ordinary” human: inferior, subserviant.
- > posthuman might degrade what it means to be human:
donna haraway’s cyborg:
hybrid entities that breach established boundaries such as nature/culture; human/machine; living/dead
4 evidence that we area already in posthuman era?
plastic body; interchangeable body; genetically engineered body; neurochemical self
plastic body - what is it?
remake surface of body.
-> reconstructive surgery: disfiguring restored to normalcy of function + appearance. appeaerance is our identity, how does changing alter identity?
->cosmetic/aesthetic surgery: eliminate undesirable - botox on wrinkles, bno sweating.
interchangeable bodies - what is it?
transforming interior of body
- > bionic body.
- pacemaker, hips, cochlear implants.
- brain-computer interface device: implanted within brain enables signals from brain to direct external activity
- > organ transplant; kinda routine now. same w xeno transplant ( other species to human)
genetically engineered bodies - what is it?
- stem cells: 3D bioprinters to grow body using own person’s cells = not fast enough printing; but no issue w rejection
- in vitro fertilization + other fertility tech:
- prenatal screening for genetic disease - decision whether child with disability should live or not.
- gene therapy: CAR-T therapy for cancer. take T cells, engineer to destroy cancer cells + reinject. Luxturna: gene therapy for gradual blindness - cost?
neurochemical selves
modification of though, mood + conduct by pharmacological means.
- > implications for personhood: rise in use of psychiatric medication: re-make self w pill = change life, identity + being a person.
- fuzzy border: those that see self in it will insist on treatment. not to cure but treat from pathological to normal.
- > increasing prevalence of cognitive enhancement drugs: ritalin.
5 ethical implications of enhancement technologies
- safety
- social pressure
- fairness + euality
- enhancement vs therapy
- authenticity + personal identity
- happiness + human flourishing
safety implication of enhancement tech:
side-effect + long-term effect unknown.
- should threshold for safety of treatment for enhance over cure?
societal pressure implication of enhancement tech?
pressure to conform, produce or compete may overwhelm better judgement
fairness + equality implication of enhancement tech
exacerbate existing inequality
enhancement vs therapy
finite health resources: who covered, what covered, how do we decide?
- exploitative
- measure of success?
authenticity + personal identity
erasing authentic self with enhancement?
happiness + human flourishing
crisis of meaning = what are we.
- flourish as result of enhancement tech or destroyed by it?