international HC Flashcards
4 indicators to compare health care systems
what is equity?
refers to fairness of distribution of health care resources in given society
what is equity in access
universal access
- all citizens able to obtain services on basis of need rather than ability to pay
- every high-income country provides universal except? US
what is one SDG goal?
universal health care coverage for all.
equity + Socioeconomic gradient?
does not translate into equal health outcomes
HC system doesn’t fix inequities in longevity + health experience
universal access + equal access
health status (need) strongest predictor of seeking out primary care (family doc), income + education are strongest predictors of specialist care (diff in education +income).
cost - money spent on HC in 2015
money spent in 2015 = 7.3 trillion
how much of world’s economic output is HC?
cost - annual growth in health expenditures FROM 2000-2015?
- implications?
4%. economic growth averaged 2.8%
-> more spending than growth. managing cost is becoming difficult
low-and middle- income countries. spending vs populations?
20% of global health expenditures
80% of popln
which health system is costliest?
comparing health expenditure by govt/personal across high income countries
-> how much money needed for better health outcomes?
US has more personal costs than anyone else.
- > US spend more on health, but lower health expectancy
- > Japan has highest health expectancy, and spent less than average on health.
medication cost - issue?
barrier for patients in Canada. more than elsewhere.
- > 90% of primary care docs report their patients have difficulty paying.
- > Canada has above average cost of medications (still better than US tho), decrease cost of private meds (prescribed) more ppl access + adhere to regimen - more health - long term advantage
what is efficiency?
resources allocated are spent in best possible way to achieve health-related outcomes.
what is technical efficiency?
equal/better outcomes at lower cost.
low-cost, high-impact
generic drugs > patented
c-section: more unnecessary - more cost.
compare technical efficiency btw US and Canada
Canada more efficient
- main reason is administration cost. Canada is non-profit, public health oversees.
US = beaurocratic layer- insurance companies separate = 4x higher than Canada
what is allocative efficiency?
optimal mix of services that maximized well-being of popln
- whether should be treated + how much?
- if country spends lots on health, other areas (ed, pension) have fewer resources. overall is that benefit or bad?
-> preventative > curative? how many docs, nurses etc? how many ppl ,what is goal?
comparing # docs to avoidable mortality
more docs - should be better health outcome. no relationship. may increase control/limiting - increase ppl working to have more docs/nurses
density of docs in rural vs urban areas
Canada - fewer in rural than average. docs prefer urban - issue in allocation, maybe incentivize?
what is responsiveness?
how well HC system meets needs and expectations of citizens
-> respect for person, confidentiality, attention to emergency, wait times, and choice (choice in how care will affect)
Canada timely access - compare to average + other ocuntries
below average.
-> investment from fed on wait-time. had effect but still need improvement
comparing knee replacement across provinces
what is “reasonable time” determined by province.
- lots of variability across. quebec > NS and BC because average is low.
where does canada rank in HC system compared to other countries?
in 2002. presumably not much has changed tho.