What are the 4 explanations + sociologists for social class inequalities
functionalist theory
- Social class inequality is inevitable and necessary (parsons)
- Social class inequalities creates social orders. (Durkheim)
- Social class inequalities are functional for society. (Davis and Moore)
- Social class inequalities are a reflection of anomic conditions. (Durkheims concept applied to explanation)
who supports the explaination: social class inequality is inevitable and necessary + their ideas
functionalist theory
Suggested that social inequality is an inevitable feature of social system that requires order and ranking. Ranking society is based on a value consensus about what society values and who deserves the highest rewards.
The values…
* Kinship (family)
* Achievement
* Possessions
* Personal qualities
* Authorities
In society we are fine with this system because we agree these qualities are of high value.
who supports the explaination: social class inequalities create social orders. + their ideas
functionalist theory
* Class stratification exists exists because it is functional or beneficial to social order.
* Modern society is characterised by a specialised division of labour.
* This value consensus also means members accept the legitimacy of stratification.
who supports the explaination: social class inequalities are functional for society. + their ideas
functionalist theory
Argued that stratification is functionally necessary. The main role is to ensure effective role allocation & performance:
* Allocates the right people to the most important roles.
* Ensures people in these roles perform to the highest standard.
Argues that we can tell which positions are the most important by… if only a small number of people can carry out the role, those who arent dependent on anyone else and peoples class position is a reflection of their talents.
who supports the explaination that: Social class inequalities are a reflection of anomic conditions. + their ideas
functionalist theory
Durkheim’s concept of anomie to explain social class inequality
* Class inequalities are not functional, but rather a reflection of dysfunction.
* In order for society to remain stable, there needs to be a healthy level of inequality.
* At times- these class-based inequalities may tilt into instability.
* Individuals in society lose sense of aspiration or desire to contribute to society.
what are the 4 points for marxist theory of class inequality + sociologist
- society has historically faced divisions of power- Marx
- the ruling class uses idiological control to maintain their superior position- Marx
- class inequality is justified through hegamony- gramsci
- power is becomingmore concentrated in society- westergard
who supports the explaination: society has historically faced divisions of power. + their ideas
- idea of historical materialisms and all material goods being earnt through labour (forces of production)
- a capitalist society exploit wage laberours and sell the proletariats labour to the bourgeousie for profits
- suggested 4 modes of production: primitive communism, ancient mode of production, feudalism and the 2 class system
who supports the explaination: the ruling class uses idealogical control to maintain their superior position + their ideas
marxist theory
* all other institutions in society make up the superstructure
* this reinforces and supports the base (economy)
* the institutions of the superstructure support & reflect rulingclass ideology
* capitalism will be seen as reasonable and justifable rather than exploitative
* these beliefs and values disguise the true nature of society and class inequality will continue.
who supports the explaination: class inequality is justified through hegemony + their ideas
marxist theory
* rejected economic determinism and idiological domination of marx’s work and took on a neomarxist approach
* suggested that in order to create change, individuals need more than just economic reason to improverishement
* the working class must generate ideas amongst themselfs to counter the ruling class
* the ruling class dominate through persuasion and hegemony
* using systems to control peoples minds
* so many of the working class have dual consciousness- work in capitalism but are aware of the inequalities it creates.
who supports the explaination: power is becoming more concentrated in society + their ideas
marxist theory
* suggests that the bourgeousie will become more concentrated over time
* there is little evidence of class divisions dissapearing but widening
* this is due to the way the capitalist system operates
* so the rich will get richer and the poor poorer
* unequal distribution of wealth within the capitalist system
what are the 3 pieces of evidence for working class disadvantages in the workplace
- the equality trust / the inequality briefing
- Mac an Ghaill
- Willis
1- the equality trust
inequality in workplace
- 90% of earners average income= £12,969
- top 0.1% average income= £1,000,970
Mac an Ghaill
inequality in workplace
states that deindustrialisation has led to a ‘crisis of masculinity’amongst working class males- they face unemployment
inequality in workplace
- working class males see their futures as working as basic manual labour jobs like their fathers therefore they do not aspire for more.
- this prevents social mobility
what are the 3 pieces of evidence for working class disadvantage in education?
- bourdieu
- jackson
- the department for education
- Bourdieu
working class disadvantage- in education
- education system is biased towards the culture of the dominant classes
- main function of education is social reproduction (continuing class divisions)
- education discriminates the working class due to the lack of cultural capital to succeed
- hidden curriculum