What are the 4 explanations + sociologists for ethnic inequalities
- Ethnic inequalities are temporary and the result of minorities failing to assimilate. (Patterson)
- Successful assimilation has resulted in excellent outcomes for minorities in the US. (Parsons and Clarke)
- Ethnic minorities are the byproduct of cultural factors. (Roberts)
- It is normal for the ethnic minorities to be at the bottom of the economic ladder (support with Modood et al example)
who supports the explaination: Successful assimilation has resulted in excellent outcomes for minorities in the US. + their ideas
ethnic inequalities
* Suggested that black americans were segregated and denied a large amount of civil rights.
* Due to a deep seated racist assumption surrounding skin colour, which was used as justification for the inequalities
who supports the explaination: Ethnic inequalities are temporary and the result of minorities failing to assimilate. + their ideas
hosts were afraid of immigrants undermining the value consensus. Argued that racial & ethnic and racial prejudice was caused by 3 things:
* Host cultures fear of strangers, cultural difference and social change.
* The host cultures, particularly working class, resentment at having to compete with ethnic minorities for resources. (jobs and housing)
* Ethnic minorities tend to live in segregated communities rather than socially mixing .
who supported the explaination: Ethnic minorities are the byproduct of cultural factors. + their ideas
ethnic inequality
* Studied disparities between non-white minority groups in terms of outcomes and standards of living.
* Asian groups are more likely to be self-employed due to strong entrepreneurial traditions within asian cultures.
* Ethnic inequalities are not due to fundamental issues with society, but due to integrated issues within communities cultures, not easily fixed by societal intervention.
who supports explaination: it is normal for the ethnic minorities to be at the bottom of the economic ladder. + their ideas
ethnic inequalities
* Functionalists believe its normal for ethnic groups not to be at the top end of a social stratification system because most are descendants from migrants.
* They will have to accept that they are going to be working in lower status, less well paid jobs.
* Idea that ethnic minorities lower position in society is due to a lack of skills and values.
what are the 4 points for marxist theory of ethnic inequality + sociologist
- there is a direct relationship between capitalism and racism (cox)
- immigrants act as a reserve army of labour in a capitalist society (castles and kosack)
- The ruling class divide the working class for ideological purposes (castles and kosack)
- the ruling class uses the media to detract attention away from the capitalist failings (Hall)
who supports the explaination: there is a direct relationship between capitalism and racism + their ideas
marxist ideas
* cox suggested that idea of ‘race’ is itself just a human creation
* racism is somethind developed by exploiters against the exploited to justify exploitation.
* cox argues that early capitalism goes in hand with colonialism
* colonies justified their actions through racism
who supports the explaination: immigrants act as a reserve army of labour in a capitalist society + their ideas
marxist ideas
* studied immigrant work in Britain and found tha most immigrants were concentrated in low-skilled and low-paid manual jobs and carried out in poor working conditions.
* capitalists used them for a reserve army of labour
* a surplus of labour keeps wage costs down
* capitalist economies were inherently unstable
* immigrants were needed to be fired and hired as the economy fluctuates.
* e.g. covid 19- BME In high risk jobs no one wanted
who supports the explaination: the ruling class divide the working class for ideological purposes + their ideas
marxist ideas
CASTLES AND KOSACK (the superstructure)
* countries after WW2 turned to immigrant labour to provide a necessary cheap pool of workers who could profitably exploited
* argued that this was through the divide and rule tactic- beneficial to the ruling class becuase immigrants were scapegoated
* allowed the capitalist class to divert the white working class’ attention from the real cause of inequality- capitalism.
who supports the explaination: the ruling class uses the media to detract attention away from capitalist failings + their ideas
marxist ideas
* neo-marxism
* moral panics over black criminality in the 70s, creating a diversion away from the wider economic crisis
the stages:
1. major economic recession in 70s causing unemployment and cilil unrest- so government needed a scapegoat to divert attention away from capitalist system
2. media picked up robberies and created a moral panic
3. more police in areas- leading to more arrests
4. public attention was on black criminality rather than deeper problem of the capitalist sytsem.
what are the 3 pieces of evidence for ethnic minority disadvantage in the workplace?
- wood et al
- parkin
ethnic minority disadvantage in the workplace
ethnic group’s Pakistani and Bangladeshi have the lowest employment rates; being 55%.
ethnic minority disadvantage in the workplace
- ethnic minorities use social closure to prevent ethnic minorities from reaching positions of authority and status,
- as a result, they face a concrete ceiling in the workplace.
what are the 3 pieces of evidence for ethnic minority disadvantage in education?
- Mirza
- the department for education
- Gillborn
ethnic minority disadvantage in the education
- studied black caribbean gitls and found girls and found they faced institutional racism and negative labelling from teachers
- although, they resisted this and acheived highly.
the department of education
ethnic minority disadvantage in education
- studied gcse results with the “avg attainment 8 score”
- white british= 46.1%
- Black carribean= 39.6%
- white british outperform the carribean