functionalism Flashcards
What are the 4 explanations + sociologists for social class inequalities
functionalist theory
- Social class inequality is inevitable and necessary (parsons)
- Social class inequalities creates social orders. (Durkheim)
- Social class inequalities are functional for society. (Davis and Moore)
- Social class inequalities are a reflection of anomic conditions. (Durkheims concept applied to explanation)
who supports the explaination: social class inequality is inevitable and necessary + their ideas
Suggested that social inequality is an inevitable feature of social system that requires order and ranking. Ranking society is based on a value consensus about what society values and who deserves the highest rewards.
The values…
* Kinship (family)
* Achievement
* Possessions
* Personal qualities
* Authorities
In society we are fine with this system because we agree these qualities are of high value.
who supports the explaination: social class inequalities create social orders. + their ideas
* Class stratification exists exists because it is functional or beneficial to social order.
* Modern society is characterised by a specialised division of labour.
* This value consensus also means members accept the legitimacy of stratification.
who supports the explaination: social class inequalities are functional for society. + their ideas
Argued that stratification is functionally necessary. The main role is to ensure effective role allocation & performance:
* Allocates the right people to the most important roles.
* Ensures people in these roles perform to the highest standard.
Argues that we can tell which positions are the most important by… if only a small number of people can carry out the role, those who arent dependent on anyone else and peoples class position is a reflection of their talents.
who supports the explaination that: Social class inequalities are a reflection of anomic conditions. + their ideas
Durkheim’s concept of anomie to explain social class inequality
* Class inequalities are not functional, but rather a reflection of dysfunction.
* In order for society to remain stable, there needs to be a healthy level of inequality.
* At times- these class-based inequalities may tilt into instability.
* Individuals in society lose sense of aspiration or desire to contribute to society.
What are the 4 explanations + sociologists for gender inequalities
- Gender inequality is the result of biological differences (Murdock)
- Gender inequalities are the result of socialised roles which are necessary for society. (Parson)
- Womens expressive role crucial for primary socialisation and personality stabilisation. (Parsons and Bale)
- Gender inequality in work are inevitable (Rastogi)
who supports the explaination of: gender equality is the result of biological differences. + their ideas
* Men and women have social roles- which lead to differences in societal outcomes
* Have been socially constructed and reinforced
* This has stemmed from biological differences.
who supports the explaination that: gender inequalities are the result of socialised roles which are necessary for society. + their ideas
* Gender inequalities are not really inequalities are simply due to correct gender roles men and women are socialised into.
* Females are socialised into expressive roles, males into instrumental.
* He saw these differences as innate.
who supports the explaination that: Womens expressive role crucial for primary socialisation and personality stabilisation. + their ideas
* Women have a crucial role for women in the family- key figure in providing primary socialisation.
* Women provide personality stabilisation.
* Women are not present in certain sectors of social life which lead to things such as individual wealth, power and authority.
who supports the idea that: gender inequality in work are inevitable. + their ideas
* Direct criticism of feminism
* Suggests that the human capital theory references to the wage gap
* The wage gap and employment issues can be explained by the amount of human capital in a group.
What are the 4 explanations + sociologists for age inequalities
- Age inequality for the elderly has to occur to allow younger generations to take control of the family. (Parsons)
- Age inequality for the elderly has to occur to allow the younger generation to be productive at work. (Cumming and Henry, support with dependency ratio)
- Age inequality for the young has to occur to allow young people to cope with the challenges of adult life. (Eisenstadt)
- Age inequalities are a result of anomie. (DURKHEIM’S CONCEPT APPLIED TO EXPLANATION)
who supports the explaination: Age inequality for the elderly has to occur to allow younger generations to take control of the family. + their ideas
* Society is in agreement over social roles.
* Old people disengage from their central role in the family allow space for their children to create their own families.
who are the 2 sociologists that support the explaination: Age inequality for the elderly has to occur to allow the younger generation to be productive at work. + their ideas
Argued that there should always be more financially independent people than financially dependent- otherwise the economy would break down.
How we calculated the number of financially dependent vs financially independent individuals.
who supports the explaination: Age inequality for the young has to occur to allow young people to cope with the challenges of adult life. + their ideas
* Saw adolescence as a stage for developing independence.
* Youths need to go from the ascribed status of a child to achieved status of individual adult.
* Suggests that peers create a sense of community that help young people to get through struggles.
who supports the explaination: age inequalities are a result of anomie. + their ideas
* Suicide is the leading cause of death in children and young people. Them experiencing anomie,
* no longer knowing what their role is supposed to be in society.
What are the 4 explanations + sociologists for ethnic inequalities
- Ethnic inequalities are temporary and the result of minorities failing to assimilate. (Patterson)
- Successful assimilation has resulted in excellent outcomes for minorities in the US. (Parsons and Clarke)
- Ethnic minorities are the byproduct of cultural factors. (Roberts)
- It is normal for the ethnic minorities to be at the bottom of the economic ladder (support with Modood et al example)
who supports the explaination: Successful assimilation has resulted in excellent outcomes for minorities in the US. + their ideas
ethnic inequalities
* Suggested that black americans were segregated and denied a large amount of civil rights.
* Due to a deep seated racist assumption surrounding skin colour, which was used as justification for the inequalities
who supports the explaination: Ethnic inequalities are temporary and the result of minorities failing to assimilate. + their ideas
hosts were afraid of immigrants undermining the value consensus. Argued that racial & ethnic and racial prejudice was caused by 3 things:
* Host cultures fear of strangers, cultural difference and social change.
* The host cultures, particularly working class, resentment at having to compete with ethnic minorities for resources. (jobs and housing)
* Ethnic minorities tend to live in segregated communities rather than socially mixing .
who supported the explaination: Ethnic minorities are the byproduct of cultural factors. + their ideas
ethnic inequality
* Studied disparities between non-white minority groups in terms of outcomes and standards of living.
* Asian groups are more likely to be self-employed due to strong entrepreneurial traditions within asian cultures.
* Ethnic inequalities are not due to fundamental issues with society, but due to integrated issues within communities cultures, not easily fixed by societal intervention.
who supports explaination: it is normal for the ethnic minorities to be at the bottom of the economic ladder. + their ideas
ethnic inequalities
* Functionalists believe its normal for ethnic groups not to be at the top end of a social stratification system because most are descendants from migrants.
* They will have to accept that they are going to be working in lower status, less well paid jobs.
* Idea that ethnic minorities lower position in society is due to a lack of skills and values.