What are the 4 explanations + sociologists for gender inequalities
- Gender inequality is the result of biological differences (Murdock)
- Gender inequalities are the result of socialised roles which are necessary for society. (Parson)
- Womens expressive role crucial for primary socialisation and personality stabilisation. (Parsons and Bale)
- Gender inequality in work are inevitable (Rastogi)
who supports the explaination of: gender equality is the result of biological differences. + their ideas
functionalist ideas
* Men and women have social roles- which lead to differences in societal outcomes
* Have been socially constructed and reinforced
* This has stemmed from biological differences.
who supports the explaination that: gender inequalities are the result of socialised roles which are necessary for society. + their ideas
functionalist ideas
* Gender inequalities are not really inequalities are simply due to correct gender roles men and women are socialised into.
* Females are socialised into expressive roles, males into instrumental.
* He saw these differences as innate.
who supports the explaination that: Womens expressive role crucial for primary socialisation and personality stabilisation. + their ideas
functionalist ideas
* Women have a crucial role for women in the family- key figure in providing primary socialisation.
* Women provide personality stabilisation.
* Women are not present in certain sectors of social life which lead to things such as individual wealth, power and authority.
who supports the idea that: gender inequality in work are inevitable. + their ideas
functionalist ideas
* Direct criticism of feminism
* Suggests that the human capital theory references to the wage gap
* The wage gap and employment issues can be explained by the amount of human capital in a group.
what are the 4 points for marxist theory of gender inequality + sociologist
- women must be submissive wives to ensure a pure bloodline- Engels
- men need to exersise their control in the home if they do not have control of other areas in their life (zaretsky)
- women do unpaid labour in the home and this is essential to the smooth running of capitalism (Benston)
- women act as disposable and cheap part of the workforce which benifits a capitalist society (Bruegel)
who supports the explaination: women must besubmissive to wives to ensure a pure bloodline + their ideas
marxist ideas
* a womans subordinate position is a result of the ownership of private property and the development of nuclear families.
* the exploitation in the workplace was reflected in the home and within relationships.
* ruling class men were required to gain control over women so they could pass down wealth to biological offspring
* the nuclear family restricted womens sexuality and enforced monogamy.
* SUPPORT WITH ANSLEY- women are the ‘takers of shit’
who supports the explaination: women do unpaid labour in the home and this is essential to the smooth running of capitalism + their ideas
marxist ideas
* the unpaid domestic labour of women helps support the capitalist system
* women renew men’s ability to go out and work and create profits for the ruling class
* e.g. cooking, cleaning and caring for children
* women also socialise children, reproducing the next generation of workers at no cost to capitalist employers
* if a man has to provide for his family, he is less likely to challenge capitalism.
who supports the explaination: women act as a disposable and cheap part of the workforce which benifits a capitalist society + their ideas
marxist ideas
* argues that because of womens unpaid labour, they are readily available to work outside of the home when society requires them to do so
* ruling class use women for when they are needed during econcomic booms
* then send them back to full time housewife when not required
* highlights how the family is central to womens opression
* they are prepared to work for** less money** as their wage is a second income.
what are the 3 pieces of evidence for female disadvantage in the media
- tuchman
- ferguson
- mulvey
what are the 3 pieces of evidence in female disadvantage in crime
- everyday sexism project- laura bates
- harding
- leonard
what are the 3 pieces of evidence for female disadvantage in the workplace
- the financial times
- Adkins
- laura bates- everyday sexism project
what are the 3 pieces of evidence for female disadvantage in education
- skelton
- colley
- kelly
female disadvantage in the media
- conducted content analysis of womens magazines and counted number of times a topic was covered
- cult of femininity
- promotes idea that excellence is achieved through caring for others (marriage and family)
female disadvantage in the media
- argued narrow range of roles for women lead to their ‘symbolic annihilation’ in the media
- media condemns certain social groups e.g. women
female disadvantage in the media
- notes typical ‘male gaze’
- women in the media are viewed through the eyes of hetrosexual men
- women are presented as passive objects of the male gaze
female disadvantage in crime
- studies gangs in souch london
- girls took on roles as “fixers” - used by males to hide drugs and weapons
- subject to abuse and sexual harrassment
female disadvantage in crime
- claims that judges label females as ‘doubley devient
- judge that not only have they broken laws but broken gender roles too- given a harsher punishment
everyday sexism project- laura bates
female disadvantage in crime
over 2 women a week in the UK are killed by a current/former partner
female disadvantage in education
argues that subject choices are negatively influenced by…
* perception of gender roles
* subject preferences
* learning environment
female disadvantage in education
- suggests that science is packaged as a boys subject
- boys are allowed to dominate the classrooms
- leads girls to be disengaged
female disadvantage in education
suggests that the hidden curriculum (e.g. attitudes to teachers) negatively influences subject choices