Social behaviour - the influence of groups Flashcards
What is a group?
Collection of people with shared features or attributes.
What is social facilitation?
Better performance in competition. Improved by merely being observed.
What is social inhibition?
Distracting impact of being evaluated.
What is social loafing?
People don’t work as hard when in groups as they expect others to pick up the slack. Rope pulling experiment.
What is risky shift?
A group consensus is almost
always riskier than the average decision made by individuals prior to a group discussion
What is group polarisation?
Group discussion strengthens the average inclination of group members.
Why do we help others?
Reciprocity and cultural norms.
What is deinviduation?
Anonymity – within crowd, by mask or
uniform (e.g. Stanford prison experiment).
What is dehuminisation?
Victims made anonymous - war.