Associative learning Flashcards
With whom do we associate classical conditioning?
With whom do we associate operant or instrumental conditioning?
What is classical conditioning
The association of an UCS (ie food) with a CS (ie bell) and a UCR (saliva) to produce a CS (bell only) and a CR (saliva in response to bell only). UCS and CS require for acquisition or extinction will occur after 5-9 trials.
What are two important features of classical conditioning?
Temporal contiguity - CS and UCS must be close in time. Contingency - CS predicts UCS
What is latent inhibition?
Past learning experience changes acquisition of new associations.
What was Garcia and Koelling’s bright, noisy water study?
- Flavoured water - light and click.
- Conditioning - x rays (control?), lithium (sickness) or shock (pain).
- Testing - flavoured water or water with light and click.
- Outcome - sickness: avoid flavoured water, pain: avoid bright, noisy water
Taste aversion
What is the mechanism behind anticipatory nausea/vomiting in chemotherapy?
Initially chemo (UCS) -> nausea/vomit (UCR)
Then sights/smells/thoughts preceding treatment (CS) -> chemo (UCS) -> nausea/vomit (CR)
What is second order conditioning?
New CS successfully paired with old CS. New CS able to elicit CR.
What is operant/instrumental conditioning?
Action -> reinforcement
Bar press -> food
Run -> avoid shock
What are the basic principles of operant conditioning?
Association - things that occur together become associated
Law of effect - behaviours that are followed by good things happen more often
What are the types of reinforcers?
Primary (unconditioned) - inherently reinforcing (eg food)
Secodary (conditioned) - become reinforcing (eg money)
Social - consequences of behaviour (smiling, nodding, verbal praise and attention)
What kinds of reinforcement increase repsonse?
Positive and negative reinforcement.
What kinds of reinforcement decrease response?
Extinction and punishment.
What is negative reinforcement?
Escape or avoidance of aversive event eg:
baby cries -> parent picks up -> crying stops -parent puts down -> baby cries
Parent negatively reinforced and baby positively reinforced.
What is positive punishment?
Aversive stimulus added (shock, smack).
What is negative punishment?
Pleasant stimulus subtracted eg time out