Social and Environmental Justice Flashcards
who coined the term social justice
Luigi Taparelli Dazeglio
What did Jacob Riis do
photojournalist, advocate of housing reform
wrote “how the other half lives in 1890 and children of the poor in 1892
what didi betty friedan do (book)
wrote the feminine mystique in 1962
captured frustration of generation of college educated housewives
contradicted accepted wisdom that housewives were content to just families
what is the wheeler-howard act (1934)
part of american indian movement
also called reogranization act
enacted to conserve and develop indian lands and resources
extended rights to form businesses and other organizations
granted certain rights of home rule
provided for vocational education
who was john rawls and what did he do (1970s)
philosopher, wrote theory of justice in 1971 and was focused on freedom and equality
demonstrated freedom and equality could be integrated and unified into justice and fairness
what are the three E’s
economy, social Equity, Environment
interdependent. community economy exists within a society where social equity is a factor, economy and society both exist within the environment
planners whould weigh all three
what did civil rights act Title 6 do (1964)
outlaws discriminations
ended unequal application of voter registration requirements
violations mean losing federal funding
what did NEPA do (1969)
advocates open and public decision making
must examine consequences to more than natural environment (social, cultural, educational,)
used for every federals funded state or local action
established council on environmental quality
what are NEPA options for analysis (3)
- exclusion - might be exclused
- EA- environemntal assessment if potential for impact
3.EIR-if significant impact occurs
what happened in warren county (bullard) EJ example
Bullard “father of EJ”
warren county commonly known as beginning of EJ
PCB landfill protest
waste hauler dumbed 30,000 gallons of oil on carolina roadways, contained PCBs
EPA dseignated superfund site, soil was recovered and deposited in black county landfill
state and federal government spent 18 million to detoxify soil at landfill
what was 1986 emergency planning/right to know federal act
industries annually report toxic substances
ongoing local forum (Local emergency planning committee)
facilitates cooperation among all stakeholders
what was executive order 12898 in 1994 about
attention to enviro and human health effects of federal actions on minority and low income pops
directs fed agencies to identify and address disproportionally high and adverse human health or environmental effects of actions
directs each agency to develop a strategy for implementing ej
promotes public info and public participation
how did executive order 12898 do to NEPA
added environmental justice, made it so you had to assess it as part of NEPA
How title 6 and EJ differ
title 6 prevents federal programs from discriminating based on race, color, etc
executive order, directs fed agencies to identify disproportionally high adverse human health and environmental effects.
what is norm krumholts associates with
equity planning, 1969
Cleveland city planning director
what are the smart growth principals that relate to equity
planning process that promotes diversity and equity
what is collaborative rational process
stool rests on 3 legs - diversity, interdependence, authintic dialog (DIAD)
about working together
what does a regressive tax mean for equity
under regressive tax system, low income individuals pay more compared to high invome