Nepa, Water, Hazards Flashcards
what is NEPAs substantive mandate
requires fed agency that each person should have healthful environment, contribute to protection of environment
what is NEPAs procedural mandate
requires fed agency to use planning and decision making to give appropriate consideration to environmental values and amenities
what is NEPAs balancing mandate
requires federal agency to fullest extent be consistent with other essential policy considerations
what is relationship of NEPA, CEQ and other fed laws
CEQ regulations and procedures tell fed agencies what they need to do to comply with goals of act
NEPA, CEQ regulations and agency procedures are coordinated as a unit and designed to achieve goals of NEPA
Clean Air Act (1970, 1977, 1990)
regulations on non-stationary sources
national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS)
what are non attainment areas
an area violating the clean air act
what are state implementation plan (SIP)
an area needs to explain how they will go from non attainment to attainment
what is MPOs role in clean air act
MOS must plan to achieve compliance with clean air act in non attainment areas
what protects the delineation of sole source aquifer
safe drinking water act of 1974
Edwards aquifer in Texas is an aquifer that proves 50% or more, its very threatened
what is NPDES permit system
permitting program for point source discharges
what is ambient standard for clean water act
measuring receiving body water quality
what is effluent standard for water
sending source water
Resource Conservation Recover Act (RCRA) 1976
classifies hazardous wastes
involved in tracking hazardous materials
what is Comprehensive Environmental Reponses compensation and liability act and SARA involved with
superfund sites, involved in regulation and community “right to know”
aquifer definition
permeable geologic formation, that when saturated with groundwater is capable of transporting water through formation
confining layer
layer of geological material through which significant quantities of water cant move
sole source aquifer
aquifer that supplies at least 50% of drinking water consumed in the area overlying the aquier
water table
surface of a body of water at which the pressure is equal to that of the atmosphere. when you dig down and meet water
zone of contribution
entire area around a well or wellfield that is recharging or contributing water to well or wellfield
the Bureau of Reclamation is
the manage develop and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public
its best known for dams, powerplans, canals constructed in western states