Plan Implementation (12%) Flashcards
Codes, Regulations, Policies / P&Z Commission
issues recommendations in matters of zoning
recommendations are made to government body
made up of community residents and business owners
Codes, Regulations, Policies / Board of Zoning Appeals
quasi-judicial board hears cases for variances, exceptions
governing body appoints members to the board
Codes, Regulations, Policies / Variance Requirements
unique physical or economic hardship
variance will not result in a reduction in property values
property owner did not cause the need for the variance
variance is not contrary to the spirit of the zoning ordinance
Funding and Budgeting / 3 types of taxes
Funding and Budgeting / progressive
percentage of income paid in taxes increases as income rises
Funding and Budgeting / proportional
tax rate is the same regardless of income. (property tax)
Funding and Budgeting / regressive
percentage of income paid in taxes decreases as income rises
Consistency Assessment Definition
makes sure day to day land use decisions are made in harmony with a community comprehensive plan or gp
may or may not be required by state law
Plan Implementation / Conformance Based Evaluation
sees planning as having ability to control future development
plans are blueprints, the more outcomes conform with plans the better
Plan implementation / performance based evaluation
views plans as decision making tools more in line with incrementalism of lindblom
achievement of end state goals is not main concern, result that dis desirable could be deemed success
Economic Development / Business Location Profile
identify which types of industries are expanding and ht are they looking for
Economic Development / Examples of incentives
reduced taxes, tax rebates
free or below market land
access to technology, training
grants based on factors such as number of jobs created
Economic Development / Industrial Revenue Bonds
loan to company to build or buy facility
locl govt issues bongs, investors purchase, funds used to make loans
company repays bond, city keeps ownership of land until repayment period is over
at end of repayment period ownership goes to company
Economic Development / Revolving Loan Fund
seed money established
loans made and repaid
funds re-loaned to next applicant
Economic Development / Enterprise Zones
economically distressed area targeted for improvement
businesses who locate or expand in zone and create jobs can receive tax exemptions and tax credits (sales tax, utility taxes, property taxes)
Economic Development / Empowerment Zones
usually federal program
economically distressed rural and urban zones designated by USDA and HUD
businesses in zone can avail themselves of federal grants and federal tax insentives
businesses get credits for hiring people in that zone
Economic Development / Business Incubator Programs
support business start ups by providing services such as free office space, technical assistance, admin support, marketing assistance, access to money
Economic Development / Small Business Administration (SBA)
federal govt assists interests of small business
loan programs, spa guarantees loans made by private lenders
funds can be used for start up and working capital
Economic Development / microloans
small short term
can’t be used to conservation or land aquisition
Economic Development / venture capital fudns
funds made available to invest in high profit business ventures at considerable risk to investor
Economic Development / downtown development authorities (DDAs)
special taxing districts
funds used for improvements
established by vote of residents
Economic Development / Business Improvement Districts
special assessment districts in business areas
funds used for infrastructure improvements or expanded services (security, marketing, visitor services)
created by resolution of local government and have a set duration
Economic Development / Community Development Corporations
non profits establishd for specific purpose (business incubator, affordable housing)
Economic Development / Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs)
districts created based on finding of slum and blight
data and analysis of physical and economic conditions
adopt redevelopment plan
establish redevelopment trust fund for deposit of TIF revenues
must be consistent with local comprehensive plan
infrastructure improvements, grants/loans, land assembly, cultural/sports destinations, affordable housing, innovative policing
Economic Development / Main Street Program
revitalize traditional commercial districts, build consensus and coopration identify funding
enhance physical appearance
economic restructuring, new opportunities
Economic Development / Brownfield
property that may be complicated by presence or potential presence of hazardous substance
more than 450 000 sites in the US
Economic Development / greenfield
undeveloped land used for agriculture or natural
Economic Development / greyfield
economically obsolescent, outdated, failing or underused real estate asset
typically have infrastructure and access to needed services prime redevelopment opportunities
Economic Development / Threshold Population
minimum number of people necessary before a particular good, service or infrastructure can be provided in an area
used in central place theory
dependent on spatial distribution of population and willingness of consumers to travel given distance to purchase