Skull pt 2 Flashcards
Coronal Suture
arching across top of skull. Between the frontal and parietal bones.
Squamosal Suture
It lies between pyramidal and temporal bones
Lambdoidal Suture
Arch all the way across back of skull. Between parietal and occipital bones.
Occipitomastoid Suture
Corses underneath entire skull. Between temporal and occipital bones.
Sagittal Suture
Down the middle. Between lambdoidal and coronal suture. Joins the parietal bones.
Anterior Fontanelle
A point of non fusion between coronal suture and sagittal suture
Posterior Fontanelle
A point of non fusion between lambdoidal suture and sagittal suture
When Do The Non Fusion Points Fuse?
They Disappear at age 2.
Infant skull fuses too early. The head a atypically small and results in brain damage. Brain’s growth is confided.
Accumulation of excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain, which causes the brain to expand outward. Skull expands outward with the brain. In adults, the skull has no give and the brain crushes itself.
Anterior Cranial Fossa
Made up of frontal and ethmoid bone. Bulk is made of orbital plates. Form top of eye socket. Landmarks are Crista Galli and cribiform plates.
Middle Cranial Fossa
Formed by lesser and greater wings, squamosal and petrous portion of temporal bones and inferior parietal. Landmarks are optic foramen, superior orbital fissure, round and oval foramen, foramen lacrum, and semicircular canals.
Posterior Cranial Fossa
Largest and deepest. Bordered anteriorly by dorsal sulay, petromastoid portion of temporal bone, occipital bone, and and parietal bones. Landmarks are jugular foramen, internal acoustic meatus, foramen magnum, and hypoglossal canals.
Optic Foramen
Sits at root of lesser wing of sphenoid. Where optic nerve goes through
Superior orbital fissure
Positioned between wings of sphenoid. Where the three nerves that move the eyeball pass through
round and oval foramen
Where branches of trigeminal nerve enter and exit the skull
foramen lacerum
Where carotid artery enters brain.
jugular foramen
Where jugular vein exits to return blood from brain back to heart
hypoglossal canals
Where hypoglossal nerve passes through