Skin Lessions Flashcards
Papule PSL
Palpable circumscribed solid skin elevation
Smaller than 1 cm
Nodule PSL
Solid Mass extending deeper into the dermis than a papule
Size 1-2 cm
Wheal PSL
Irregularly shaped elevated area or superficial localized edema
Size varies
Hives, mosquito bite
Tumor PSL
Solid mass that extends deep through the subcutaneous tissue
Size larger than 2 cm
Vesicle PSL
Circumscribed elevation of skin filled with serous fluid or blood
Size less than 1 CM
herpes simplex, chickenpox
Pustule PSL
Circumscribed elevation of skin similar to vesicles but filled with pus.
Size varies
Acme, staph infection
Ulcer PSL
Deep loss of skin surface that extends in dermis and frequently bleeds and scars
Size varies
Venous stasis ulcer
Atrophy PSL
Thinning of skin, skin appears shiny and translucent
Size varies
Arterial insufficiency, aging
Cyst PSL
Encapsulated fluid filled(or solid) mass in dermis
Size over 1 cm
Bulla PSL
Larger fluid filled vesicle
Over 1 cm
Blister, 2nd degree burn
Secondary skin lesion
Changes that take place in primary lesions and possibly modify them
Scales SSL
Thickened areas of dry skin that flake off, usually whitish in color
Psoriasis, dandruff
Crusts SSL
Composed of dried serum or pus on the surface of the skin eczema, dermatitis
Fissures SSL
Cracks in the skin
Athletes foot
Lichenification SSL
Palpably thickened areas of epidermis accentuated by skin markings caused by chronic rubbing/scratching
Chronic dermatitis, poison ivy scratching
Scar SSL
Fibrotic change in skin following a destructive process
Furuncle SSL
Acute inflammation arising deep in, on or more hair follicles
Carbuncle SSL
An abscess of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Macule PSL
Flat nonpalpable change in skin color
Size: smaller than 1 cm
Example freckle