Exam 1 Flashcards
Normal respirations
Rectal temp and axillary temp differences from oral
Rectal is usually 0.5 C higher than oral
Axillary is 0.5 lower than oral
Normal pulse
60-100 beats/min
Average blood pressure
Infant pulse average
Where is PMI located
5th intercostal space and at mid clavicular line
Normal mL of blood per pump of heart
60-70 mL
Stages of a fever
- chills(vasoconstriction, taking blood from skin to core, metabolism)
- Plateau(temp reaches new set point meaning temp is high, pt may feel ok)
- Fever “breaks”(brings temp down, reduces set point,this is when patient becomes flushed and sweaty)
Factors affecting body temperature
Hormonal fluctuation
Circadian rhythm
Metabolism is typically slowest between 1-4 am
What is a pulse deficit
The apical pulse is different than the radial
Why: could be because of Arhythmias, blockages.
Pulse ox normals
What is systolic pressure
Max pressure exerted against arterial walls when blood is ejected
What is diastolic
Minimal pressure against arterial walls when ventricles are being filled
What is an ausculatory gap
A temporary stopping of sounds during BP but is not the end of the BP.
Normal temp
36-38 degrees Celsius
98.6-100.4 farenheight
Tier 1 standard precautions
Pally to all body fluids, secretions, non-intact skin and mucous membranes(excludes sweat)
Tier 2 precautions
This tier is Transmission based precautions.
- Airborne
- Droplet
- Contact
- Neutropenic
5 steps to evidence-based practice
- ask
- Collect
- Critically appraise
- Integrate
- Evaluate
Freedom from infection or infectious material or absence of disease producing microorganisms
Medical asepsis(clean technique)
Practices that reduce the number of microorganisms and preventing the spread.
EXP: isolation, washing hands, ETC…
Presence of some microorganisms, but absence of infectious agents. Or absence of disease producing organisms
A substance that prevents or inhibits the growth and reproduction of some microorganisms
A substance that prevents or inhibits the growth and reproduction of some microorganisms
A substance that destroys pathogenic microorganisms(other than spores) by application to equipment or surfaces.
How often to release restraints and why?
Real se every 1-2 hours to allow ROM mobility and circulation
Heating(conservation and production)
Muscle activity
Surface temperatures
Oral, axillary, rectal,temporal
Conceptual framework of nursing
Providers of care
Managers of care
Members of a profession