Isolation,inflammation,immunity Flashcards
Latrogenic infection
Infection from diagnostic or therapeutic procedure
Exogenous infection
On outside, you ingest something(salmonella)
Endogenous infection
Body becomes altered due to overgrowth of bacteria (yeast infection)
Nurses responsibility
- Protect
2. Understand infectious process
Showing symptoms of disease
A symptomatic
Has disease but does not show symptoms
Chain of infection
Infectious agent Reservoir Portal of exit Modes of transmission Portal of entry Host
Potential for microorganism to produce disease
- Number or dose- amount of Microorganism
- Virulence- the ability to produce disease
- Ability to enter and survive host
- Susceptibility or host resistance
How is the chain broken
Wash hands
Clean articles
Educate: staff, patients, etc…
Proper environment
- Nourishment- required to allow it to grow
- Oxygen-aerobic, anaerobic
- Water
- Temperature 68-109
- Ph 5.0-7.0 is the preferable photo microorganisms
- Light- generally dark areas are where pathogens prefer to grow(under dressings, body cavity)
Portal of exit from reservoir
- Skin and mucous membranes
- respiratory- sneezing,coughing
- Urinary- UTI, ostomy
- Gastrointestinal- bowel elimination
- Reproductive system
- Blood
Modes of transmission
- contact:direct, indirect, droplet
- airborne
- vehicles
- Vectors
Indirect contact
Ex.touching a used Kleenex
Particles in are
Droplet contact
Contact with conjunctivitis, or nose
Contaminated liquids, blood, food, drugs
External transmission - insect lands on something then something else and bacteria is transferred that way
Internal transmission- mosquito or tick actually penetrating your skin
Nursing obligation
- Control the spread
- identify signs and symptoms-be able to recognize abnormal signs
- Report signs and symptoms
Localized infection
The area that is infected is contained within a certain area
Systemic infection
Affecting the entire body and is often times within the blood
Normal body defenses
- Normal body flora
- Each organ system has defenses
- Inflammatory response
Localized inflammation
Swelling Redness Heat Pain and tenderness Loss of function
Systemic infection
Affects the entire body
Elevated temperature Elevated pulse Elevated respirations Anorexia Skeletal muscle tension Elevated white blood cell count
Inflammatory exudate
- Serous-clear like plasma
- Sanguineous- contains red blood cells
- Purulent- comes in different colors depending on the bacteria, often contains an odor
Vascular response
- Injured or damaged cells- release chemical substance
- Adjacent cells are often interrupted
- Increase capillary permeability- allows fluids,proteins, and fibrinogen sin to tissue
- Edema- creates a wall not allowing bacteria to escape
- Pressure on nerve endings- caused from edema, the nerve endings are pushed on causing edema
Cellular response
WBC-5,000-10,000 is average(above 10,000 shows signs of infection)
Phagocytosis- neutrophils and monocytes designed to ingest and destroy harmful bacteria
Tissue repair
Healing of tissue- damaged cells are replaced by Newer cells, after new cells go through maturation they resemble the cells that were previously there
Immune response
Antigen- invading organism(the problem)
Antibodies- bodies response to seek and destroy antigens
Vaccine (development of antibodies)
- specific antigen- giving small amount of antigen into the body
- Antibodies- bodies response developes antibodies so that the next time the body sees those antigen it already has antibodies built up for that disease
- specific
- Seek and destroy
Natural immunity
Has immunity after having a certain disease(typically lasts a lifetime)
Artificial immunity
After receiving the vaccination
Passive immunity
Immunity obtained without vaccination or having the disease. Ex.breast feeding
Stages/course of infection
- Incubation period
- Prodromal stage
- Full stage of illness
- Convalescence
Incubation period
Interval of the entering of the pathogen into the body and the first symptom
Prodromal stage
when the individual feels nonspecific signs and symptoms, when individual is capable of spreading the microorganism
Full stage of illness
Manifestation of the signs and symptoms of the infection
The acute symptoms are gone, not usually contagious, but the individual is not fully recovered
Droplet precautions
Particles greater than 5 microns in size
- gown and gloves
- normal mask
Airborne precautions
Very small droplets smaller than 5 microns in size
- private rooms
- HEPA masks
- negative airflow isolation room if possible