Skin Integrity & Wound Care (Test 4) Flashcards
Hemorrhage Causes & Care
Causes: trauma, erosion of a vessel
Care: direct pressure, elevation, fluid replacement, monitor VS & LOC, tourniquet (last option)
Infection Cause/Prevention & Care
Causes/Prevention: contamination, clean gloves; hand hygiene
Care: Cleanse wound, wash hands, sterile dressing, TT Or TD (tetanus toxoid or tetanus diphtheria)
Wound Culture (to identify organism) Care
Cleanse wound with saline
Swab wound with culturette swab
Crush culture medium at bottom of culturette tub, take to lab
For anaerobic: use special kit to aspirate, send immediately to lab
Dehiscence S/S & Care
separation of layers of a surgical wound
S/S: sudden increase in serosanguineous drainage, sudden sense of “pop” or tear by patient
Cover would with sterile saline dressing covered by dressing
Call Physician
Document appearance, time , activity occured
Bowel/tissue coming out of a surgical wound
Cover with saline-soaked sterile dressings or sterile towels
Decrease wound strain by: Place patient with hips and knees bent, elevate HOB slightly
NPO for surgery
Monitor VS for shock
Stage I Ulcer
Skin is NOT broken
- position patient off affected side
- may apply skin care products that lubricate, but do not massage
- non blanchable redness
Film Dressings(Tegaderm, Op-Site) Hydrocolloidal Dressing (Duoderm)- may be left on 7 days
Stage II Ulcer
Skin Broken, Superficial Wound
Debridement: removal of necrotic tissue or eschar so healthy tissue can grow.
Wet-to-dry dressings: moisten gauze with saline, let dry and remove(q 8hrs) Enzymes: Collagenase(place on necrotic/eschar only, cleanse q day) Hydrocolloidal dressings(Duoderm) Hydrogel Dressings(J&J Gel) Absorptive Dressings(Gauze, Foams)
Stage III & IV Ulcer Care
Saline Irrigation Whirlpool may be ordered if infected Wound packing with iodoform gauze or absorptive foam Hydrocolloidal Dressings Hydrogel Dressings Gauze dressings if infected Surgery
Unstageable/Unclassified Ulcer
Full Thickness skin or tissue loss (Loss-depth unknown)
Suspected deep-tissue injury
Depth known
Dry Gauze function
absorb & cover
Wet-to-dry dressing
Debridement (removal of damaged tissue or foreign objects from wound)
Self- Adhesive dressing
Transparent, semipermeable
Allows wound to breathe, but keeps water out
Occlusive Dressing
Maintains moisture, liquefy necrotic tissue
Occlusive Dressing
Maintains moisture, liquefy necrotic tissue