Skin Integrity & Wound Care Flashcards
tool used to predict pressure sore risk used in conjuction with nursing judgment…low score= high risk…15-18 low risk, 13-14 moderate risk, 10-12 high risk, <9 very high risk
Braden Scale
removal of necrotic tissue
partial or total separation of layers of skin and tissue above the fascia in a wound that is not healing properly (obese pt at high risk, most common in abdominal wounds post-surgery)…BE ALERT WHEN SEROSANGUINEOUS DRAINAGE INCREASES!
thick layer of dead, dry tissue that covers a pressure ulcer or thermal burn; slough present in stage IV ulcers (may be allowed to naturally remove or may be surgically removed)
occurs when wound layers separate below the fascial layer and visceral organs protrude through the wound opening…medical emergency requiring placement of sterile towels soacked in sterile saline over the extruding tissues to reduce chances of bacterial invasion & drying before surgery
surface damage caused by the skin rubbing against another surface that often results in an abrasion
red, moist tissue consisting of blood vessels and connective tissue
Granulation Tissue
softening of the skin caused by moisture
impaired skin integrity resulting from pressure
Pressure Ulcer
force exerted against the skin while the skin remains stationary and the bony structures move
Shearing Force
healing that occurs in a wound with little or no tissue loss such as a clean surgical incision; the skin edges approximate and risk for infection is minimal
Primary Intention
healing that occurs in wounds involving loss of tissue such as a severe laceration or chronic wound; skin edges cannot come together because of the extensive tissue loss and healing occurs gradually
Secondary Intention
healing that occurs when a wound is later brought together some type of closure material; occurs in wounds that are fairly deep and contain extensive draining & tissue debris; “delayed primary healing”
Tertiary Intention
sensitive vascular layer of skin directly below the epidermis composed of collagenous and elastic fibrous connective tissues that give it it’s strength and elasticity
fluid, cells or other substances that have been slowly discharged from cells or blood vessels through small pores or breaks in cell membranes
clear, watery plasma drainage
Serous Drainage
fresh bleeding drainage
Sanguinous Exudate
pale, more watery, combination of plasma and red blood cells, blood-streaked drainage
Serosanguinous Exudate
thick, yellow/green/brown drainage indicating presence of dead or living organisms and white blood cells
Purulent Exudate
act of forming pus
closing together of wound edges in which an injury has been caused on the skin by abrasion
Approximated Excoriation
occurs when epithelial tissue grows from edges and covers over the granulation (new skin/scar)
abnormal passage from an internal organ to the body surface or between two internal organs
decreased blood supply to a body part, such as skin tissue, or to an organ, such as the heart