Nutrition Flashcards
a systematic measurement of the size and makeup of the body using height & weight as the principal measure
Anthropometric Measurement
standard norms for normal height-weight relationships
Ideal Body Weight
energy needs of a person at rest after awakening
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
calculated from height & weight in children and adults and used as a reliable indicator for body fat
Body Mass Index (BMI)
nutrient reference values developed by the Institute of Medicine used to serve as a guide for good nutrition and provide the scientific basis for the development of food guidelines such as recommended amts of vitamins in both the US & Canada
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
administration of nutrients & fluid into the stomach or intestinal tract via a feeding tube
Enteral Nutrition (EN)
inorganic elements that catalyze biochemical reactions
acheivement of equal intake & output of nitrogen in the body
Nitrogen Balance
organic substances found in foods that are essential for normal metabolism
type of cholesterol (high density & low density)
loss of muscle due to aging…can be decreased with weight bearing exercise
Normal Pre-Albumin Level
Normal Transferrin Level
nutrition provided to a patient through IV
Parenteral Nutrition
nutrition provided to a patient through infusing into a peripheral IV line…not as concentrated
Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition
nutrition provided to patient solely though IV (GI system may not be intact)
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
make up 95% of the fat in the body…include saturated, unsaturated & transfat
occurs when patient is not eating enough protein…increase with supplements, patient teaching
Protein Energy Malnutrition
lacking teeth
vitamin in sweet potatoes & carrots…good for eyes, skin & hair
Vitamin A
vitamin in milk, yogurt…good for bones
Vitamin D
vitamin in corn, nuts & green veggies…good for heart, antioxidant
Vitamin E
vitamin in green, leafy veggies…good for coagulation
Vitamin K
vitamin that is decreased in alcoholics
Vitamin B1 Thiamin
vitamin used for hypercholesteremia
Vitamin B3 Niacin
vitamin in animal products, liver & lean meat…deficiency results in pernicious anemia, neuritis, sore mouth/tongue, nerve damage
Vitamin B12 Cobalamin
vitamin in organ meats, red meats, raisins…needed for RBC development, energy & O2 transport…vitamin C will increase absorption…do not give with dairy products, caffeine, eggs, antacids or PPIs (decreased absorption)
1 Liter of Fluid is equal to…
1 kg of weight
Risk Factors for Malnutrition
D.E.T.E.R.M.I.N.E!! Disease, Eating poorly, Tooth loss/mouth pain, Economic Hardship, Reduced social interaction, Multiple Medications, Involuntary weight loss, Needs assistance, Elder (above 80)