Health Assessment, Documentation & EHR Flashcards
engorged, distended jugular veins reflecting increased venous pressure in the right side of the heart which, in turn, indicates an increased central venous pressure
Jugular Venous Distention
high-pitched sounds heard over the trachea with expiration longer than inspiration
Bronchial Breath Sounds
medium-pitched blowing sounds heard over the main stem bronchus with expiration equal to inspiration
Bronchovesicular Breath Sounds
closure of mitral & tricuspid valves
S1 Heart Sound (Normal)
closure of aortic & pulmonic valves
S2 Heart Sound (Normal)
ventricular gallop- impending heart failure
S3 Heart Sound (Abnormal)
atrial gallop
S4 Heart Sound (Abnormal)
turbulent blood flow through heart
PQRST Pain Assessment
What PROVOKES the pain? What is the QUALITY of the pain? Does it RADIATE? What is the SEVERITY of the pain? What is the TIMING of the pain?
method of delivering care using an interdisciplinary approach to document patient care and focusing on providing quality care in a cost-effective manner
Case Management Plan
charting using a narrative format that places less emphasis on patient problems and focuses on patient concerns such as signs & symptoms, conditions, behaviors or significant event
Focus Charting
similar to SOAP charting in its problem-oriented nature having a nursing origin
Problem, Intervention, Evaluation (PIE) Charting
structured method of documentation that emphasizes the patient’s problems
Problem-Oriented Medical Record (POMR)
method of charting using subjective data, objective data, assessment & plan
SOAP Charting
innovative approach to reduce the time required to complete documentation; agency defines criteria for nursing assessments and standards of practice for nursing interventions
Charting By Exception (CBE)
flip-over card file kept at nursing station providing information for the daily care of a patient
part of the permanent health record and allow documentation of certain routine observations or specific measurements made repeatedly such as height & weight, ADLs
Flow Sheet or Graphic Records
reporting method using situation, background, assessment, and recommendation
SBAR reporting
the most common type of record where the patient chart is separated into sections that contain forms for each discipline
Source-Oriented Charting (SO)
science and art of turning data into information
a nursing specialty that manages & communicates data, information, knowledge & wisdom by integrating nursing computer and information science
Nursing Informatics
A federal group formed in 2005 to advise the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on methods of increasing EHR adoption in healthcare facilities.
American Health Information Community (AHIC)
a set of standards, services and policies that enable secure health information exchange (HIE) over the Internet.
National Health Information Network (NHIN)
an initiative that enables clinicians to use informatics and emerging technologies to make healthcare safer, more effective, efficient, patient-centered, timely and equitable by interweaving evidence and technology seamlessly into practice, education and research fostering a learning healthcare system.
Technology Guiding Informatics Education Reform (TIGER)