Community Based Nursing Flashcards
individuals adopting specific health programs such as weight reduction or smoking cessation; requires patients to be actively involved in measures to improve their present and future levels of wellness while decreasing the risk for disease
Active Strategies of Health Promotion
care that takes place in community settings (outside traditional healthcare facilities) such as the home or a clinic where the focus is on the nursing care of the individual or family achieving a healthy living environment
Community-Based Nursing
nursing care provided in the community, with the primary focus on the promotion/maintenance of health of individuals, families and groups in the community
Community Health Nursing
model that describes the multidimensional nature of people as they interact within their environment to pursue health; focuses on 3 areas: (1) individual characteristics (2) behavior-specific cognitions & affect (3) behavioral outcomes; DIRECTED AT INCREASING A PATIENT’S LEVEL OF WELL-BEING
Health Promotion Model
a system of family-centered care that allows patient to live and remain at home with comfort, independence & dignity while alleviating the strains caused by terminal illness
the rate of new cases of a disease in a specified population over a defined period of time; EX: new infections, adolescent pregnancy rates, teenage motor vehicle collisions
Incident Rates
set of behaviors that ill people adopt influenced by sociocultural and social psychological factors; involves how people monitor their bodies and define/interpret their symptoms
Illness Behaviors
activities such as immunization programs that protect patients from actual or potential threats to health
Illness Prevention
model that explains the basic needs of patients and families, their behaviors, and their readiness to take part in health promotion activities
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
individuals gaining from the activities of others without acting themselves; EX: flouride in drinking water
Passive Strategies of Health Promotion
true prevention that precedes disease or dysfunction and applies to patients considered physically and emotionally healthy
Primary Prevention
prevention that focuses on people who are experiencing health problems or illnesses and who are at risk for developing complications or worsening conditions
Secondary Prevention
prevention that occurs when a defect or disability is permanent, irreversible and stabilized
Tertiary Prevention
schools, physicians’ or health care providers’ offices, occupational health clinics, or nursing centers
Primary Care
“community health nursing”…focuses on understanding the needs of a population or a collection of individuals who have in common one or more personal or environmental characteristics; EX: infants, older adults, Native Americans
Public Health Nursing
any situation, habit, environmental condition, physiological condition or other variable that increases an individual’s or group’s vulnerability to an illness or accident; Types include: genetic/physiological factors, age, physical environment, & lifestyle
Risk Factor
teaching people how to care for themselves in a healthy way including topics such as physical awareness, stress management and self-responsibility
Wellness Education
groups of patients who are more likely to develop health problems as a result of excess risks, limited access to health care services, and dependency on others for care
Vulnerable Populations
model of health that addresses the relationship between a person’s beliefs and behaviors
Health Belief Model
model of health that attempts to meet the patient’s basic needs: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Basic Human Needs Model
model of health that focuses on emotional/spiritual well-being (a comprehensive view of a person as a biophysical and spiritual being)
Holistic Health Model
Healthy People 2020 Goals
attain high-quality longer lives, achieve health equality, create social & physical environments that promote good health, promote quality of life across all life stages
Internal Variables Influencing Health & Health Practices
Developmental Stage, Intellectual Background, Emotional Factors, Spiritual Factors
External Variables Influencing Health & Health Practices
Family Practices, Socioeconomic Factors, Cultural Background
Stages of Behavior Change
(1) Precontemplation (2) Contemplation (3) Preparation (4) Action (5) Maintenance
Impact of Illness on Patient & Family
behavioral/emotional changes, body image impact, self-concept impact, family roles/dynamics impact
Improved Delivery of Health Care Occurs How?
(1) Assessment of healthcare needs of individuals, families & communities (2) Development/Implementation of healthcare policies (3) Improved access to care
activities directed toward identifying future proposed therapy and the need for additional resources before and after returning home
Discharge Planning
a level of care that is designed to relieve or reduce intensity of uncomfortable symptoms but not to produce a cure…relies on comfort measures and use of alternative therapies to help individuals become more at peace at the end of life
Palliative Care
objectives of the Healthy People 2020 campaign selected to communicate high-priority health issues and actions that can be taken to address them
Leading Health Indicators
Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators
Access to Healthcare Services, Clinical Preventative Strategies, Environment Quality, Injury & Violence, Maternal/Infant/Child Health, Mental Health, Nutrition/Physical Activity/Obesity, Oral Health, Reproductive/Sexual Health, Social Determinants, Substance Abuse, Tobacco