Skin Conditions Flashcards
_Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) _
A form of male hormone that stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce sebum.
Relating to abnormal growth; often used to describe cancerous lesions.
Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea
A subtype of rosacea that is characteried by diffuse, patchy redness, and a grainy texture.
_Exudates _
Fluid oozing from a healing wound.
First-Degree Burn

A superficial burn that may be red and swollen with some pain. It affects only the outer layer of skin, primarily the epidermis.
An episode in which pimples and redness occur in a person who has rosacea.
_Flushing _
Sudden facial redness caused by blood rushing to the skin.
Granulomatous Rosacea

Any form of rosacea that includes hard, nodular papules.
Heliobacter Pylori

A type of intestinal bacterium that has been associated with rosacea.
_Hemostasis _
The arrest of control of bleeding.

Infected tear ducts; also called styes.
Inflammatory Mediators
Chemicals released by inflamed cells that alert the immune system to the irritation.
Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPS)
Enzymes that break down substances in the skin and are produced by the skin when it is inflamed.

A splotchy freckling of hyperpigmentation.
Ocular Rosacea

A subtype of rosacea that affects the eyes, resulting in eye redness, swollen eyelids, and other eye lesions.
The opening of a follicle on the skin surface.
Papulopustular Rosacea

A subtype of rosacea that often resembles acne vulgaris, with large red pustules and papules.
Perifollicular Inflammation

Inflammation of the follicle walls inside of the follicle.
Phymatous Rosacea

A subtype of rosacea in which the nose has a thickened appearance and the individual sometimes has rhiophyma, which is a substantial enlargement of the nose.
Pityrosporum Ovale
A type of yeast sometimes associated with seborrheic dermatitis.
Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Dark melanin splotches caused by trauma to the skin; they can result from acne pimples and papules.
Proliferative Phase
The phase of wound healing in which there is increased vascularity to supply nutrients and oxygen to the wound.
Propionibacterium Acnes (P Acnes)
The bacterium that causes acne vulgaris.
The formation of new epidermis and dermis over an area of injury. The epithelial cells from the wound margin and the pilosebaceous units migrate to repair damage.
The maturation phase of a wound.

Enlarging of the nose resulting from a severe form of acne rosacea.
Seborrheic Keratosis

Crusty looking, slightly raised lesions in mature, sun-damaged skin. They often appear in the cheek bone area. They may be black, brown, gray, or sometimes flesh-toned or sallow.
Second-Degree Burn

A burn that is deeper that a first degree burn and has also burned the tissue of the dermis. Blisters occur, possible scabbing, intense redness, and immediate swelling, and considerable pain.
_Subclinical Inflammation _
A biochemical inflammation that cannot be seen with the naked eye or a magnifying loupe.
Third-Degree Burn

Much deeper and life threatening than a 2nd degree burn. Deep dermal burn and burn injury to muscles and bones.
<strong>Transient Erythema</strong>
Redness that comes and goes.
_Triggers _
Activites that cause flushing or flares in people with rosacea.
_Vascular _
Related to blood vessels.
Vascular Growth Factor
A biochemical within the skin that triggers the growth of capillaries.
Adult Acne
Acne that develops in people who are in their 20s and older. It is often caused by hormone fluctuations or external factors such as comedogenic (pore-clogging) skin care products.

Small, lumpy cysts in the eyelids.
_Clinical Inflammation _
Inflammation that can be seen with the naked eye or with the aid of a magnifying loupe.
A process in which collagen and elastin fibrils in the dermis collapse, causing the support system for the skin to collapse.
_Cryotherapy _
Dermatological removal of lesions by freezing, usually with liquid nitrogen.
_Demodex Folliculorum _
A skin mite that has been associated with rosacea.

Damage to the skin caused by long-term sun exposure.

Chronic inflammatory skin disorder of the sebaceous glands that is characterized by comedones and blemishes; acne simplex or acne vulgaris.
Acne Excoriee

Disorder where clients purposely scrape off acne lesions, causing scarring and discoloration.
Actinic Keratoses

Pink or flesh-colored precancerous lesions that feel sharp or rough; resulting from sun damage.

Absense of melanin pigment in body-skin, hair, and eyes.
Also known as: congenital leukoderma and congenital hypopigmentation.
_Anhidrosis _
Deficiency in perspiration, often a result of a fever or skin disorder that requires medical treatment.

Dry, scaly skin from sebum deficiency which can be due to aging, body disorders, alkalies of harsh soaps, or cold exposure.
Atopic Dermatitis

Excess inflammation: dry skin, redness and itchiness from allergies and irritants.
Basal Cell Carcinoma

Most common and the least severe type of skin cancer, which often appears as light, pearly nodules; characteristics include sores, redness patches, or a smooth growth into an elevated border.
_Bromhidrosis _
Foul-smelling perspiration, usually in the armpits or on the feet.
Bulla (plural Bullae)

Large blister containing watery fluid; similar to a vesicle but larger.

Cluster of boils; large inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by staphylococci bacterium; similar to a furnicle (boil) but larger.

Liver spots; characterized by hyperpigmentation on the skin in spots that are not elevated.
Comedo (plural: Comedones)

Mass of hardened sebum and skin cells in a hair follicle; an open comedo or blackhead when open and exposed to oxygen. Closed comedones are whiteheads that are blocked and do not have a follicular opening.
Tendency for an ingredient to clog follicles & cause a buildup of dead skin cells, resulting in comedones.

Pinkeye; very contagious infection of the mucous membranes around the eye: chemical, bacterial, or viral causes.
Contact Dermatitis

Inflammatory skin condition caused by contact with a substance or chemical. Occupational disorders from ingredients in cosmetics and chemical solutions can cause contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis is from exposure to allergens. Irritant contact dermatitis is from exposure to irritants.

Dead cells form over a wound or blemish while it is healing, resulting in an accumalation of sebum and pus, sometimes mixed with epidermal material. (i.e; scab or sore)

Closed, abnormally developed sac containing fluid, infection, or other matter above or below the skin.
Any inflammatory condition of the skin; various forms of lesions such as eczema, vesicles, or papules; the three main categories are atopic, contact, and seborrheic dermatitis.
Physician who specializes in diseases and disorders of the skin, hair, and nails.
_Dermatology _
Medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin and its nature, structure functions, diseases, and treatments.

Inflammatory, painful itching disease of the skin, acute or chronic in nature, with dry or moist lesions. This condition should be referred to a physician. Seborrheic dermatitis mainly affecting oily areas, is a common form of eczema.
_Edema _
Swelling caused by a fluid imbalance in cells or a response to injury or infection.
_Erythema _
Redness caused by inflammation; a red lesion is erythemic.

Skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scraping.

Crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis. (i.e, chapped lips.)

Also known as folliculitis barbae, sycosis barbae, or barber’s itch.
Inflammation of hair follicles caused by a bacterial infection from ingrown hairs.

Also known as boil; a subcutaneous abscess filled with pus; furuncles are caused by bacteria in the glands or hair follicles.
_Herpes Simplex Virus 1 _
Causes fever blisters & cold sores; a recurring contagious viral infection consisting of a vesicle or group of vesicles on a red swollen base. The blisters usually appear on the lips or nostrils.
_Herpes Simplex Virus 2 _
Infects the genitals.
Herpes Zoster

Also known as shingles; Painful viral infection skin condition from the chicken pox virus; characterized by groups of blisters that form a rash in a ring or a line.
Excessive perspiration caused by heat, genetics, medications, or medical conditions; also known as diaphorasis.
Thickening of skin caused by a mass of keratinized cells (keratinocytes)

Over-production of pigment.

Abnormal growth of skin; many are benign or harmless.

Absense of pigment, resulting in white or light splotches.

Contagious skin infection caused by streptococcal bacteria, characterized by clusters of small blisters or crusty lesions and often occuring in children.

Thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue (collagen)
<strong>Keratoma </strong>

Acquired, superficial, thickened patch of epidermis. A callus is a keratoma caused by continued, repeated pressure or friction on any part of the skin, especially hands and feet.
Keratosis (plural: keratoses)
Abnormally thick build-up of cells.
Keratosis Pilaris

Redness and bumpiness common on the cheeks or upper arms; caused by blocked hair follicles. The patches of irritation are accompanied by a rough texture and small pinpoint white milia.

Freckles; small yellow-brown colored spots. Lentigenes that result from sunlight exposure are actinic or solar lentigenes. Patches are referred to as large macules.
Mark, wound, or abnormality; structural changes in tissues caused by damage or injury.

Characterized by light, abnormal patches; congenital, acquired, post-inflammatory, or other causes that destroy pigment-producing cells. (i.e, vitilgo, albinism, etc.)
Macule (plural: maculae)

Flat spot or discoloration on the skin, such as a freckle. Neither raised nor sunken.
Malignant Melanoma

Most serious form of skin cancer. Can spread quickly. Black or dark patches on skin and usually uneven in texture, jagged, or raised. May have surface crust or bleed.

Epidermal cysts; small, firm papules with no visible opening; whitish, pearlike masses of sebum and dead cells under the skin. More common in dry skin and may form after skin trauma.
Miliaria Rubra

Prickly heat; Acute inflammatory disorder of sweat glands resulting in the eruption of red vesicles and burning, itching skin from excessive heat exposure.

Pigmented nevus; a brownish spot ranging in color from tan to bluish black. Some are flat, some are raised.

Birthmark; malformation of the skin due to abnormal pigmentation or dilated capillaries.

Often referred to as tumors, but these are smaller bumps caused by conditions such as scar tissue, fatty deposits, or infections.

Pimple; small elevation on the skin that contains no fluid but may develop pus.
Perioral Dermatitis

Acne-like condition around the mouth. Small clusters of papules that could be caused by toothpaste or products used on the face.
_Primary Lesions _
Flat, nonpalpable changes in skin color, such as macules or patches, or an elevation formed by fluid in a cavity, such as vesicles, bullae, or pustules.
_Pruitis _
Persistant itching.

Razor bumps; resembles folliculitis without the pus or infection.

Skin disease; patches covered with white-silver scales. Caused by overproliferation of skin cells that replicate too fast. Immune disfunction could be the cause. Usually on scalp, elbows, knees, chest, and lower back.

Raised, inflamed papule with a white or yellow center containing pus on the top of the lesion, referred to as head of pimple.
Retention Hyperkeratosis
Hereditary factor in which dead skin cells build up and do not shed from follicles as they do on normal skin.
Flaky skin cells; any thin plate of epidermal flakes, dry or oily. (i.e, abnormal or excessive dandruff.)
Light-colored, slightly raised mark on skin formed after an injury or lesion of skin has healed up. Tissue hardens to heal the injury. Elevated scars are hypertrophic (ie, a keloid)
Sebaceous Filaments

Similar to open comedones, these are mainly solidified impactions of oil without the cell matter.
Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Benign lesions frequently seen in oilier areas of the face. An overgrowth of sebaceous gland, appear similar to open comedones; often doughnut shaped with sebaceous material in center.
Severe oiliness of skin; an abnormal secretion from sebaceous glands.
Seborrheic Dermatitis

Common form of eczema; mainly affects oily areas; inflammation, scaling, and itching.
_Secondary Lesions _
Skin damage, developed in later stages of disease, changes the structure of tissues or organs.
Skin Tag

Small, benign outgrowths or extensions of skin that look like flaps; common under arms or on neck.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Skin cancer more serious than basal cell carcinoma; scaly, red, or pink papules or nodules; open sores or crusty areas; can grow and spread in the body.

Brown or wine-colored discoloration with a circular, irregular shape. Stains occur after certain diseases or after moles, freckles, or liver spots disappear. Port wine stain is a birthmark.

Sebaceous cyst or subcutaneous tumor filled with sebum; ranges in size from a pea to an orange. Usually appears on scalp, neck, and back. Also known as: wen.
_Tan _
Increase in pigmentation due to the melanin production that results from exposure to UV radiation; visible skin damage. Melanin is designed to help protect the skin from the sun’s UV radiation.
Fungal infection.
Tinea Corporis

Ringworm; a contagious infection that forms a ringed, red pattern, with elevated edges.

Abnormal, rounded, solid lump; larger than a papule.

Large nodule; an abnormal cell mass resulting from excessive cell multiplication and varying in size, shape, and color.

Open lesion on skin or mucous membrane of the body, accompanied by pus and loss of skin depth. A deep erosion, depression in skin, due to infection or cancer.

Hives; caused by an allergic reaction from body’s histamine production.
Varicose Veins

Vascular lesions; dilated and twisted veins, most common in legs.
Vascular dilation of blood vessels.

Wart; hypertrophy of papillae and epidermis caused by a virus. Infectious and contagious.

Small blister or sac containing clear fluid.

Pigmentation disease characterized by white patches on skin from lack of pigment cells; sunlight makes it worse.

Itchy, swollen lesion caused by a blow, insect bite, skin allergy reaction, or stings. Hives and mosquito bites are wheals. Hives (urticaria) are caused by exposure to allergens used in products.